Home State Civil Service Appeals Board State Civil Service Appeals Board

State Civil Service Appeals Board

The Civil Service Appeals Board is established pursuant to 5 M.R.S. §§ 7081-7085 to mediate grievances and disputes and to hear and resolve classification/reclassification appeals filed by state employees who are excluded from the collective bargaining process pursuant to 26 M.R.S, § 979, and §§ 1021-1034..

The primary responsibilities of the Board are:

  • to conduct hearings to mediate grievances,
  • to conduct hearings to resolve classification appeals and
  • to make rules and regulations and prescribe forms to secure speedy, efficient, and inexpensive disposition of all hearings.

Board Members

The Civil Service Appeals Board consists of five members appointed by the Governor.

Avery T. Day, Vice Chair

Susan P. Herman, Chair

Arthur Kyricos II

Ryan D Pelletier

Holly Pomelow

Proposed Rulemaking

The Civil Service Appeals Board seeks public input for its proposed procedural rules.

Nature of the New Rule:

This new rule creates a uniform system by which the Board will conduct its business and process appeals that it receives going forward. It will serve as a resource for state agencies, the Bureau of Human resources, state employees, retained counsel, Board members, and anyone else having business before the Board in establishing a set of rules and procedures that will govern all proceedings before the Board. The rule establishes, among other things, the rules for Board meetings and the constitution of a quorum; rules for Board deliberative proceedings and written decisions; rules for representation before the Board; rules for filing appeals for both grievances and reclassifications; timelines and deadlines; procedures for hearings and evidence submission; the burden of proof; rules for motion practice; subpoena power; and prehearing practice. It shall be posted on the Board’s website for further use by parties and the Board in all proceedings.

Proposed Rule in PDF

The comment period will close on August 19, 2024.

Please submit written comments csab.bhr@maine.gov


Public Notices


Civil Service Appeals Board Meetings

Meeting Date and Location Agenda & Materials Minutes



Information for Filing an Appeal - Helpful Links

Title 5, §7082: Powers and duties of the State Civil Service Appeals Board (maine.gov)

8.1 Grievance Procedure - State Civil Service Appeals Board | Bureau of Human Resources (maine.gov)

8.2 Classification Grievance Procedure - State Civil Service Appeals Board | Bureau of Human Resources (maine.gov)

How to File an Appeal

Appeals are filed by email csab.bhr@maine.gov

or mailed to

Civil Service Appeal Board
Attention: Clerk of the Board
79 State House Station
Augusta, Maine 04333