Effective July 1, 2024

Full-Time Active State of Maine Employees

Deduction amounts below are biweekly for full-time employees. Part-time employee rates are pro-rated; contact Employee Health & Wellness for part-time premium rates. 

(*Retiree Rates are located below the active employee rates. Rates for FY24 are located at the bottom of this page)

Instructions: Locate the table below that contains your base annual salary.  Find the level of coverage for you and any covered dependents within that table. Follow that row to the right to see the biweekly amounts for both the employee and the employer with and without the health credit. 

Premium amounts listed below are for the period July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025

Level 1: Base Annual Salary is Equal to or Less Than $50,000
  With the Health Credit Without the Health Credit
Level of Coverage Employee Deduction  State Contribution Employee Deduction  State Contribution
Employee Only  $                  0   $         548.87  $           27.44  $         521.43
Employee & Spouse/Domestic Partner  $         229.60  $         918.40  $         258.30  $         889.70
Employee, Spouse/Domestic Partner & Child(ren)  $         316.78  $     1,049.18  $         345.48  $     1,020.48
Employee & Children  $         131.58  $         771.37  $         160.28  $         742.67
Family Contract (both employee, spouse/domestic partner work for the State and share children)  $                 -    $         682.98  $           28.70  $         654.28
Level 2: Base Annual Salary is Between $50,000 - $100,000
  With the Health Credit Without the Health Credit
Level of Coverage Employee Deduction  State Contribution Employee Deduction  State Contribution
Employee Only  $           27.44  $         521.43  $           54.89  $         493.98
Employee & Spouse/Domestic Partner  $         258.30  $         889.70  $         287.00  $         861.00
Employee, Spouse/Domestic Partner & Child(ren)  $         345.48  $     1,020.48  $         374.18  $         991.78
Employee & Children  $         160.28  $         742.67  $         188.98  $         713.97
Family Contract (both employee, spouse/domestic partner work for the State and share children)  $           28.70  $         654.28  $           57.40  $         625.58
Level 3: Base Annual Salary is equal to or more than $100,000
  With the Health Credit Without the Health Credit
Level of Coverage Employee Deduction  State Contribution Employee Deduction  State Contribution
Employee Only  $           54.89  $         493.98  $           82.33  $         466.54
Employee & Spouse/Domestic Partner  $         287.00  $         861.00  $         315.70  $         832.30
Employee, Spouse/Domestic Partner & Child(ren)  $         374.18  $         991.78  $         402.88  $         963.08
Employee & Children  $         188.98  $         713.97  $         217.68  $         685.27
Family Contract (both employee, spouse/domestic partner work for the State and share children)  $           57.40  $         625.58  $           86.10  $         596.88

Retirees Not on Medicare

Premium rates below do not reflect retirees who receive a pro-rated premium contribution.

Level of Coverage  Monthly Pension Deduction   Monthly State Contribution  
Retiree Only $                   0  $      1,097.74
Retiree + Spouse/DP  $      1,148.00  $      1,148.00
Retiree + Spouse/DP < 65 + Child(ren)  $      1,583.92  $      1,148.00
Retiree + Child(ren)  $          657.90  $      1,148.00
Surviving Spouse  $      1,097.74 $                   0
Retree on Medicare & Spouse under age 65  $      1,097.74  $         237.43

COBRA Participants

Level of Coverage  Non-COBRA State Premium   COBRA Premium 
Employee Only  $     1,097.74  $     1,119.69
Employee & Spouse/Domestic Partner  $     2,296.00  $     2,341.92
Employee, Spouse/Domestic Partner & Child(ren)  $     2,731.92  $     2,786.56
Employee & Children  $     1,805.90  $     1,842.02


Premium amounts listed below are for the period July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024 (New Salary Tier Effective November 1, 2023) 

Level 1: Base Annual Salary is Equal to or Less Than $50,000
With the Health Credit
Without the Health Credit
Level of Coverage Employee Deduction State Contribution Employee Deduction State Contribution
Employee Only $0.00 $515.85 $25.79 $490.06
Employee & Spouse/Domestic Partner $215.79 $863.15 $242.76 $836.18
Employee, Spouse/Domestic Partner & Child(ren) $297.73 $986.06 $324.70 $959.09
Employee & Child(ren) $123.66 $724.97 $150.63 $698.00
Family Contract (both employee, spouse/domestic partner work for the State and share children) $0.00 $641.90 $26.97 $614.93
Level 2: Base Annual Salary is Between $50,000 - $100,000
With the Health Credit
Without the Health Credit
Level of Coverage Employee Deduction State Contribution Employee Deduction State Contribution
Employee Only $25.79 $490.06 $51.58 $464.27
Employee & Spouse/Domestic Partner $242.76 $836.18 $269.74 $809.20
Employee, Spouse/Domestic Partner & Child(ren) $324.70 $959.09 $351.68 $932.11
Employee & Child(ren) $150.63 $698.00 $177.61 $671.02
Family Contract (both employee, spouse/domestic partner work for the State and share children) $26.97 $614.93 $53.95 $587.95
Level 3: Base Annual Salary is equal to or more than $100,000
With the Health Credit
Without the Health Credit
Level of Coverage Employee Deduction State Contribution Employee Deduction State Contribution
Employee Only $51.58 $464.27 $77.38 $438.47
Employee & Spouse/Domestic Partner $269.74 $809.20 $296.71 $782.23
Employee, Spouse/Domestic Partner & Child(ren) $351.68 $932.11 $378.65 $905.14
Employee & Child(ren) $177.61 $671.02 $204.58 $644.05
Family Contract (both employee, spouse/domestic partner work for the State and share children) $53.95 $587.95 $80.92 $560.98

Retirees Not on Medicare

Premium rates below do not reflect retirees who receive a pro-rated premium contribution.

Level of Coverage Monthly Pension Deduction Monthly State Contribution
Retiree Only $0.00 $1,031.70
Retiree & Spouse/Domestic Partner $1,078.94 $1,078.94
Retiree & Spouse/DP < 65 & Child(ren) $1,488.64 $1,078.94
Retiree & Child(ren) $618.32 $1,078.94
Surviving Spouse $1,031.70 $0.00
Retiree on Medicare & Spouse under age 65 $1,031.70


COBRA Participants

Level of Coverage Non-COBRA State Premium COBRA Monthly Premium
Employee Only $1,031.70 $1,052.33
Employee & Spouse/Domestic Partner $2,157.88 $2,201.04
Employee & Spouse/Domestic Partner  & Child(ren) $2,567.58 $2,618.93
Employee & Child(ren) $1,697.26 $1,731.21



Premium Amounts for the Period July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024

Premium Amounts for the Period July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023