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Maine Civil War Sesquicentennial

Opposing Political Newspapers in Portland, Day by Day

Eastern Argus

The Leading Democrat Newspaper

Portland Advertiser

The Leading Republican Newspaper

Tuesday January 1,1861

ARGUS (2/1) WHAT IS ABOLITIONISM? -- There is no charge that the Republicans repel with so much indignation as that of Abolitionism. They detest slavery, they say – they pass laws oppressing slave-owners; they refuse to admit a State that wishes to enter the Union with a constitution that permits slavery; they indicate in every act and word their purpose to crush out the institution and all who uphold it ; yet they are not Abolitionists...But there is one kind of evidence that almost conclusively proves a man’s sincere devotion to a cause, and that is, his willingness to make pecuniary contributions in its aid; and the same willingness to aid in the stealing of negroes we may venture to assert is rather good evidence of a man’s Abolitionism.
(2/2) NATIONAL FAST DAY -- Gov. Morrill declined endorsing the recommendation of the President for a day of National humiliation, fasting and prayer, though requested by prominent Republicans in this city to issue his proclamation. We are gratified however to sate that the clergy of this city, without an exception, we believe, have appointed meetings on Friday next, the day requested by the President.
It has been intimated that Gov. Morrill thought he should lessen his chances for the nomination of U.S. Senator if he endorsed President Buchanan’s recommendation.

Tuesday January 1, 1861

ADVERTISER (2/1) BUCHANAN AND TREASON – If it be true that the President of the United States has, in addition to his numerous sins of omission and commission, agreed with the emissaries of South Carolina, that he will recall Major Anderson, and surrender Fort Sumter, he is clearly guilty of “aiding and abetting the enemies of the United States” and ought to be tried for his crimes. Arnold was never more recreant to his trust than James Buchanan has been to his, and side by side the two names will go down to a remote posterity blackening the page of history…With a President on friendly terms with traitors, with a Cabinet changing almost daily, with no settled line of policy yet determined upon, we may reasonably expect that “matters will grow worse before they become better.“

Wednesday January 2, 1861
ARGUS (2/3) NEW YEAR’S DAY – Yesterday was more generally observed as a festival than we have ever known before. The dry goods stores were all closed, and many others also, of different businesses. At the Grand Trunk Freight depot, the officers were closed and the gates shut down against the reception or delivery of freight, and the employees had the entire day to amuse themselves as best they might.
(2/1) ANOTHER STEP TOWARD THE CRISIS – Day after day an anxious people await with eager curiosity the publication of telegraphic news from Washington and the South; and day after day the cloud grows blacker, and the peril looms more imminent. The intelligence from South Carolina which appeared in our paper of yesterday seemed to give the finishing blow to whatever hopes, faint and feeble, might have been cherished of maintaining our Union in its integrity. There is no room to doubt South Carolina’s meaning now. The time for listening to her manifestations of anger with laughter and ridicule has gone by; and we have only to meet them as the earnest solemn expressions of a determined purpose… Civil war ( for we believe the troubles must culminate in this ) is a fearful thing in a monarchy; but in a Republic like ours, it has added horrors. These we must see, unless a good Providence interposes to shield us…

Wednesday January 2, 1861

ADVERTISER (2/1) LOOKING BACKWARD -- Four years ago the Democratic party, which for years had been committed to the policy of prohibition of slavery in the territories, went before the people and asked their verdict in favor of the principle of non-intervention –Popular Sovereignty. This was the second step of the slave power toward absolute rule in the nation…Thus has slavery taken complete and entire control of the Democratic organization, which made its last struggle in the Presidential contest of 1860, and then surrendered unconditionally to the nullifier…Shall the country go down with that party ? Shall the principle upon which the government was founded be the right of the people to rule under the Constitution and through the ballot box – be given up and that of distracted Mexico be substituted in its place? The solution rests with the Republican party. The “ark of the covenant “of constitutional liberty has been placed in their keeping; woe to them if they desert or betray the trust. 

(2/3) The legislature of the state assembles today, at Augusta. As the session is limited to seventy-five days, or rather, the pay of the members is limited to that period, we may expect an active and laborious session…

Thursday January 3 1861

ARGUS (2/1) PLAIN TALK FROM THE RIGHT SIDE -- What actual injuries have we sustained from the South? What figures of indebtedness can we array against them? Have they robbed us or defrauded us? Or have we not, rather, not only drawn annually millions from their cotton fields to sustain the inhabitants of our rugged clime—but as if to cap the climax of ingratitude, have we not pilfered from their valuable property?..First, that the people of the North were unbending in their attitude of hostility to slavery and were determined to deprive a sister-section of her rights; and secondly, that the people of the South, resenting the defiant posture of the North, and indignant at the attempt to injure them, would no longer endure relations so undeniably inharmonious…In New England, which owes more to the Union, perhaps, than any other section, the unyielding majority seem bent upon destroying it.
(2/2) The Legislature of this State met at Augusta yesterday. There was a pretty full attendance of members. In the House, James G. Blaine, Esq., of Augusta was elected Speaker..The Gubernatorial and Senatorial votes were referred to respective committees.

Thursday January 3, 1860

ADVERTISER (2/6) -- Reports from reliable sources in the vicinity of Macon, Georgia, are to the effect that Negro insurrections are being organized. Whether the reports are true or false, their constant recurrence proves a constant fear on the part of the white population. Planters are sending their families North.

(2/3) – A letter recently received from Florida says: “Florida will breakfast in the Union on the morning of January 3, 1861, and will dine out of it the same day.” It will be glad one of these days to make a meal on cold victuals from a northern almshouse.

Friday January 4,1861

ARGUS (2/2) AN EDITORIAL DINNER—We were never more forcibly impressed with the advantages of our position as an editor, than when we were yesterday, when we listened to an invitation to “assist “ at a “trout dinner” at the International House. We had intended ( and our intention after dinner was intensified into determination) to call into use what little eloquence is at our command in a description of the most agreeable occasion; but the Governor’s message coming in our absence, defeated our cherished purpose – The edibles and potables were abundant and choice, even without the feast of reason which we enjoyed …but an intellectual banquet ( the chief feature of which was a speech by Hon.F.O.J. Smith which, by the way, we regret our inability to notice at length
) followed the physical delights and capped the climax of a delightful reunion.
(2/2) THE LEGISLATURE OF MAINE—The organization of the Government for the present year, was perfected yesterday by the election in joint ballot of both branches…Governor Washburn was inaugurated, and delivered an address which we present to our readers this morning.

Friday January 4, 1861

ADVERTISER (2/1) THE GOVERNOR’S ADDRESS – Mr. Washburn was inaugurated to-day, and delivered his address. His allusions to national questions were received with frequent applause: “….The history of the past shows, that no concessions will be accepted as satisfactory which do not secure to the slaves States the rights of expansion and protection to their peculiar property, under the Federal Constitution. This is what they believe they need, and this alone will satisfy them. I believe that I speak the voice of every true, brave, and conservative man in the North, when I say that such concessions cannot be made…GENTLEMEN: In all your endeavors for the public good, whether looking to the preservation of the Constitution, the integrity of the Union, or the promotion of the varied interests of our own State, you may rely upon my prompt and cordial co-operation .“ --- ISRAEL WASHBURN, JR.

(2/5) Our compositors desire to return their thanks for refreshments furnished them last evening by the proprietors of the Central House—They were very acceptable to men with a “solid dig” before them, like the Governor’s Address

Saturday January 5,1861

ARGUS (2/1) THE GOVERNOR’S ADDRESS … The Southern States say they will secede; Mr.Israel Washburn, Jr., Governor of Maine, says they will not ; which shall we believe ? …No single position, no special argument in Governor Washburn’s address strikes us so painfully as does the tone of bigotry which pervades he whole of it. It is eloquent of a firm, strong character; but it tells also of a heart which is insensible to the sweet influences of the softer virtues -- which scorns the confession of error, which exacts all and grants nothing. Gov. Washburn recoils so sternly from all offers of harmonious reunion that we dare hold no stronger a hope as to the salvation of our beloved government.

Saturday January 5,1861

ADVERTISER (2/3) WILL LINCOLN BE INAUGURATED? – Without hesitation we answer this question in the affirmative; but , that the inauguration will take place quietly and as a mere matter of course, we do not believe, unless great changes take place in the position of affairs…There have been many rumors afloat within the past few days of plans for opposing by force the inauguration of Lincoln. We have no doubt that some of the Southern men are desperate enough for almost anything. But we had not supposed that anywhere north of Mason and Dixon’s line a man could be found so villainous as to dream of countenancing any such mad and murderous scheme…

Sunday January 6,1861-- No Edition Printed Sunday January 6, 1861 – No Edition Printed

Monday January 7,1861

ARGUS (2/4) THE CAPTURE OF SLAVERS A PROFITABLE BUSINESS – A letter from the African Squadron throws some light on the recent captures of so many cargoes of negroes. The prize money paid for the slaves taken on the Coast is so considerable that British and American captains are said not to be insensible to the pecuniary advantages gained by letting the empty craft “ scot free” and seizing them when loaded and returning. As $25 are paid for every negro caught, those found within a few weeks on board the Storm King, Erie, Cora, Bonita, and Sunny South, would leave nearly a hundred thousand dollars to every individual attached to the vessel that took them.

Monday January 7, 1860

ADVERTISER (2/2) FINANCES AT THE SOUTH -- The messages of the Governors of some of the cotton States show that in the article of money, which is quite important as muskets and without which muskets cannot be procured, they are lamentably deficient, and forced loans are demanded to pay the expenses of the secession… The six seceeding cotton States, South Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana, have state debts amounting to thirty-two millions, and all this is to be paid form the profits of their single staple, cotton, If in time of peace these states run so far and fast behind it is fair to suppose that they would become hopelessly bankrupt with the expense of secession and of war upon their shoulders, and that their bonds would not be worth ten cents in the dollar in any foreign money market. 

(2/1) DISUNION – Why need we try longer to disguise the truth. The danger of dissolution is eminent, and is increasing ever day. Love of Union is passive, or at most manifests itself in words, while treason is awake and active, taking forts and arsenals, arming herself, preparing for a death struggle… Let the people of the North assemble, not for the purpose of listening to flat, stale, and unprofitable Union saving speeches…Let the North arm, not for aggression, but for defence, and show that millions of people are read to do something more than TALK for the cause they love.

Tuesday January 8,1861

ARGUS (2/2) HONOR TO MAJOR ANDERSON – By the General Order, published in our columns this morning, it will be seen that National salutes will be fired in this city and Bangor at 12 M. to-day, and 100 guns on the Capitol grounds at Augusta, in commemoration of the Battle of New Orleans, and in recognition of the conduct of Major Anderson at Fort Sumter. It will be noticed by our telegraphic dispatches that reinforcements have been dispatched from New York to Major Anderson.

Tuesday January 8, 1861

ADVERTISER (2/1) EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE – We must fight! Letters received in this city since my arrival make it perfectly apparent that the Government of the Republic must be sustained by arms, or be allowed to go to destruction without a struggle… Treason is everywhere. Fidelity to the Union must be looked for in the North alone. Let the people rally, hold meetings in every hamlet, town and city, and declare their intention to stand by the Constitution and to preserve the Union at any and every cost. The Country demands it, humanity demands it, the world demands it …If war must come in the name of all that is good and great, let it come, and “ God show the right ! “ --C.C.W.

Wednesday January 9,1861

ARGUS (2/2) BACKBONE – Nobody has been ore in the habit of talking about “backbone” and “manhood” than Gov.Washburn. Can any one who had read his long message tell whether he is in favor of the repeal of the Personal Liberty bill of this State, or not in favor of it? The question has often been asked, but we have seen no one able to answer it. There is doubtless a good deal of “backbone” and “manhood” ( more spread eagle ) in the message, but it doesn’t stick out on the Personal Liberty bill so that we can see it. Won’t our Norwegian Governor make the backbone of his message on this point
A “leetle” more conspicuous by a second BRIEF edition of the “high argument? “

Wednesday January 9, 1861

ADVERTISER (2/4) – In accordance with the order from the Adjutant –General, a national salute was fired in this city yesterday, and the American flag displayed from the three flagstaffs of the City Building, and from several hotels. National salutes were also fired at Lewiston and Rockland yesterday, in commemoration of the Battle of New Orleans, and in honor of Major Anderson.

Thursday January 10,1861

ARGUS (2/1) THE UNION IS AT AN END – He who expects to arrest the present movement at the South by force and to preserve the Union by military power, fails to comprehend the momentous emergency. The attempt would at once array the free and slave States in deadly conflict and put an end forever to the Union. It is madness and folly to indulge such an idea for moment. If the republican party has nothing more of conciliation to offer than is indicated in Gov. Washburn’s inaugural, then we may as well make up our minds at once for civil war or peaceable separation. The Union is at an end. The only question is whether the dissolution shall be peaceful or be baptized in blood.

(2/3) BEHIND THE TIMES – Wouldn’t it be well for someone to send the Governor a few telegrams. Let him maintain his claims to be of Norwegian descent if he chooses; but surely there is no need, now that he is to govern the State of Maine, that he should remain in Norwegian latitudes of ignorance as to what is transpiring in the other States of our Union. He hasn’t lived in Norwegian regions alone, but he bids fair to have a pretty large territory to himself – there is rapid depopulation going on. Even the Advertiser has moved far enough South to see through the icicles that “the danger of dissolution is EMINENT ( Imminent ? ) --QUIZ

Thursday January 10, 1861

ADVERSTISER ( 2/1) ELECTION OF A U.S. SENATOR – The election of Gov. Morrill to the place in the United States Senate, made vacant by the resignation of Hon. Hannibal Hamlin, will satisfy everybody in Maine, excepting the members of the Democratic party who have never forgiven him for following the dictates of his conscience and joining the Republicans. Lot M. Morrill has been a popular and efficient Governor, and leaves the Executive Chair with a high reputation for Executive ability. The best wish we have for him is, that his future success in a new sphere of action, will be equal to his past, and redound as much to his honor as a man and a statesman.

(2/2) General Scott is the largest man in the American service. He is six feet six inches tall, and weighs two hundred sixty pounds. He is seventy-four years old, yet his health is good, and his whole system is apparently vigorous—much of which is owing doubtless to his very temperate habits.

Friday January 11,1861

ARGUS (2/1) ARE THE REPUBLICAN LEADERS DISUNIONISTS ? -- Are the republican leaders seeking to break up the American Union? Do they while professing great love for the Union, wish to see it destroyed and the North freed of all connection with slavery by a complete separation from the slave States? These questions are now constantly upon the lips of the people, and they are asked with earnestness. Is it strange? …these men seem not to have the least idea of the deep but silent feeling that now pervades the rural districts. It is intense. When revolution comes and anarchy reigns, as it will do more all or less in all revolutions, we have but to look into the pages of history to learn what may be expected.

Friday January 11, 1861

ADVERTISER (2/3)—Augustus Robinson, No.51 Exchange Street, has given us a sample of Union Cockades, of which he has received a supply. They are got up very tastily, and if any one wishes to signify by outward signs his loyalty to the Union, a good opportunity is offered.

Saturday January 12,1861

ARGUS (2/2) A PUBLIC MEETING IN AID OF KANSAS – The continued suffering in Kansas from the entire failure of the crops last season, is still pressing upon more favored parts of the country for immediate relief Unless this additional aid is quickly rendered the most fearful consequences of destitution and famine are apprehended. Judge Dow, a very respectable gentleman from that country, is now here to solicit aid, and proposes to submit to our citizens a statement of the actual condition of the suffering people in that territory. For this purpose, a PUBLIC MEETING will be held at the NEW CITY HALL on SUNDAY EVENING NEXT, January 13th, at 7  ½ o’clock, at which Judge Dow will present the claims of that afflicted people upon our sympathy and charity.

(2/3) EXTRACT FROM A BUSINESS LETTER RECEIVED BY A MERCHANT OF PORTLAND -- Spring Hill, Miss., Dec. 24, 1860 – DEAR SIR : As have some leisure time during the Christmas Holidays, I will devote the balance of my letter ( long or short ) to political matters as they and the financial troubles resulting from the success of the Republican party, are the only questions now discussed throughout the length and breadth of the Southern States…During my late visit to Portland, and on my way there and home, I predicted to the numerous Republicans I conversed with, what would be the result of the success of the Northern Fanatical Sectional Party, and that would DISSOLVE the Union… We know no difference between Abolitionists and Republicans ( black, as we term them) and I ask in all candor are we not correct in our views when such eminent Black Republicans as Wm H .Seward declared that “ The election of Lincoln will be the end of slavery”? .. The North have succeeded in electing THEIR president and have had their jollification over the result, and history gives but one parallel case of rejoicing—“the fiddling of Nero while Rome was burning.”
Wishing (without hope) that our peace, prosperity, safety and confidence may grow out of the chaotic state that our affairs are now involved in, I am, with kind regards, your friend and fellow-country man ( I will yet say.)---J.H.B.

P.S. Since the above was received, the result which the writer feared, has come. Mississippi has seceded – has followed the example of South Carolina.

Saturday January 12,1861

ADVERTISER (2/3) – We learn that Doctor S.Tenbroeck, USA, of this city, who has lately been on a visit to his family here, was en route for California, where he has been stationed; when his orders were rescinded, and he was detailed for duty at Fort Sumter and ordered on board of the Star of The West, in which steamer he embarked with the other troops.

(2/3) Wm.A. Smith, a colored man from Richmond, Va., wishes to purchase from Southern slavery, his mother and two sisters. Most of the sum needed is obtained. The balance he is anxious to secure immediately, in view of the present difficulties at the South. For the purpose of obtaining the necessary amount, he will be in the vestibule of the following churches, to-morrow, to receive such contributions as the friends of humanity are disposed to make. He has express permission of the pastors to occupy these places: At State Street Church in the morning; Union Church in the afternoon, and Pine Street Church in the evening.

(2/1) THE NEWS -- The tidings we are hourly receiving from the South are of the most discouraging nature. But little hope is now entertained at Washington of anything like a peaceful solution of our present difficulties, and we are informed that messengers have been dispatched from the government at the Capitol, to the executive of the loyal States, to use their influence at once or the purpose of putting the militia in an effective condition….Melancholy as the truth may be, we are already in a state of war and the National Government has only one of two courses to pursue, either to press the war with vigor, or to abandon everything to the rebellious State of South Carolina…we are quite sure that, should the President determine to execute the law at all hazards, he would be supported by nineteen of every twenty citizens of the Free States. 

Sunday January 13,1861 -- No Edition Printed Sunday January 13, 1861 – No Edition Printed

Monday January 14,1861

ARGUS (2/6) MEETING IN AID OF SUFFERING KANSAS -- The meeting at the New City Hall last evening, in aid of the suffering people in Kansas, was quite large. Hon. Phineas Barnes called the meeting to order, Hon. William Willis presided. After Judge Dow of Kansas had made his statement, remarks were made by Messrs. H. Goddard, Hon. Phineas Barnes, Wm.W.Thomas, and John Neal, Esq. A collection was taken up amounting to $121.40, and a committee appointed to make further collections. That committee will meet to-day, at 10 o’clock, at the office of Messrs. Wm. Willis & Son.

Monday, January 14, 1861

ADVERTISER (2/6) ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ADJUTANT GENERAL -- The returns of Enrolled Militia show a total of 55,961. These are merely returns of the number of men liable for military duty – there being in fact no regular enrollments. There are returns from only about three-fourths of the towns.

In the Volunteer Militia, there are now organized seven companies of Artillery, two of Cavalry, eighteen of Light Infantry, and eight of riflemen, embracing 1124 non-commissioned officers, musicians, and privates. Seventeen companies which had become disorganized or inefficient, have been disbanded. The arms in possession of troops and towns, amount to 26 brass 6 pounders, 2470 muskets, 504 “musketoons”, 470 rifles...Besides these 1086muskets, 80 musketoons, and 453 rifles are in possession of “disbanded companies. “ â€¦It is very properly urged that measures should be at once taken to increase the efficiency of the whole military department of the State.

(2/5) – The Androscoggin Company, at Lewiston, has just taken in 500 bales of cotton, received from Calcutta. The Cotton States may find, when it is too late, that cotton can be grown elsewhere.

(2/6) – The celebrated actress, dancer, and vocalist, Mrs. Ada Issacs Menken, who has gained considerable fame in the Southern and Western theatres, will make her first appearance in Portland this evening in two of her most popular characters. These plays, we hear, exhibit not only her power as an actress, but will afford the public a taste of her qualities as a dance and vocalist. Her engagement is but for five nights.

Tuesday January 15,1861

ARGUS (2/2) ( For the Argus ) Mr. Editor – A Letter just received from a ship-master at Cardenas, Cuba, by his owners in his city says: “There are sixty sail of American vessels at this port and not one of the masters will admit that he is or ever has been a Republican.”
(2/3) SHREWD – We see it stated that the disunionist South, some time since, subscribed largely for the most ultra abolition republican journals and made use of them to fan the flames of secession! It was a shrewd move. They would operate as well for that purpose as shavings in kindling a fire.

Tuesday January 15, 1861

ADVERTISER (2/3) RELIEF FOR KANSAS – The meeting on Sunday evening for this most charitable object, though not so fully attended as was desirable, owing probably to the severity of the weather, the mercury standing at zero, yet was filled with a fine spirit. The stirring facts communicated by Judge Dow kindled a lively sensibility and sympathy … A large committee was raised to wait upon our citizens, who we not present at the meeting, to give them an opportunity to contribute to this most urgent appeal…All contributions not otherwise collected, may be paid in at Lowell & Senter’s Store, on Exchange Street, and no sum, however small, will be unacceptable, but be viewed as that “widow’s mite” was, which received the benediction of the master.

(2/1) THE SUFFERING POOR OF THE NORTH – A strange fallacy has seized the people of South Carolina. They fondly dreamed that the disaffection of their State would strike terror to the hearts of the Northern people – that the withdrawal of the Southern staples from the Northern manufacturer would shortly cause a severe want to come upon all classes of Northern labor – and that hunger and violence would soon follow. They imbibed the idea that Cotton was King …But depending for her supply of breadstuffs and meat on the West and North-West, with money exhausted and credit ruined, South Carolina, at the very beginning of the mad attempt at independence, finds herself on the brink of ruin. Where will she be when war in earnest comes upon her in all its grim reality.

Wednesday January 16,1861

ARGUS (2/1) PROGRESS OF REVOLUTION – South Carolina has declared herself out of the Union, “ a sovereign and independent State.” Mississippi has done likewise. Florida also and Alabama – four States now out of the Union. The Georgia convention meets to-day, (16th) The Louisiana convention meets on the 23rd, the Texas convention on the 28th inst. And the Arkansas convention on the 11th of February. The Virginia legislature is now in session and has called a convention to meet February 13th – The legislature of North Carolina will soon meet by adjournment, and will, doubtless, follow the example of her sister States in the revolutionary movement. We have before stated, and we now repeat the prediction, that unless some adjustment is soon affected, every slave State but Delaware will secede before the 4th of March…We may as well look the fact in the face. We must accept an adjustment or prepare for the destruction of the Union. That is the alternative, and the sooner we are convinced of it and act upon the conviction, the better.

Wednesday January 16,1861

ADVERTISER (2/6) --The officers who went with the troops that left in the Star of the West ( include ) as follows : Lieut. Wm. A. Webb, 5th Infantry, of Maine ; Lieut. Charles W. Thomas, of Maine. Seventy soldiers of the permanent party accompanied the recruits, who had not been assigned to regiments. (2/3) Col. Leadbetter, of Alabama, who commanded the forces which recently captured the United States Arsenal at Mount Vernon, in that State, is a native of Maine, and was for many years an officer of the US Engineers.

(2/4) THEATRE—Miss Adah Issacs Menken, the bright particular star, has made a decided hit in this city. She possesses much versatility of talent, as was evinced in the performance of some three characters in the piece of a “Day in Paris”, and being also a sweet singer, has the double advantage over many others of the present day—This evening she appears in the arduous character of George Barnwell, and a piece de circonstance, called the “Unprotected Female “, in which she assumes three different characters and sings two of her sweetest songs.

Thursday January 17,1861

ARGUS (2/1) DO NOT APPRECIATE THE ISSUE – It seems to us that very many intelligent patriotic persons do not rightly appreciate the issue now before the country. They love the Union – almost idolize it. (But) the obstinate and irritating course of the republican leaders has driven the Union men into the ranks of the real disunionists….Now, what is to be the result, God only knows. Whatever of evil it brings, let it be remembered that a few obstinate and selfishly ambitious republican leaders are responsible for it all—these leaders profess to be Union men, but they have spurned and crushed the Union men of the South, given every slave State into the control of the revolutionary leaders and thus destroyed almost every hope for the preservation of the Union! Who, then, are the real disunionists?

Thursday January 17, 1861

ADVERTISER (2/4) It will be seen that the Legislature has taken up the question of preparing the military force for active service, should the exigencies of the times demand of Maine her quota of support to the general government, a preliminary order having been introduced into the House to that effect. We are glad to see this, and have confidence that the patriotism of the Legislature will leave nothing undone to make this branch of service efficient in every respect.

Friday January 18,1861

ARGUS (2/1) ADJUTANT GENERALS REPORT – The system is now a skeleton, says the report, which may be filled out and expanded if necessary. Seventeen companies have been disbanded during the year, and no new companies formed, although there have been several applications for charters. The list of arms belonging to the State is not very formidable, and it is recommended that the Legislature should take measures to promote the efficiency of the whole military department of the State. The full quota of arms from the U.States for the past year has not been received.

Friday January 18, 1861

ADVERTISER (2/2) UNION MEETINGS -- Is there any thing else which a public meeting could do which would have any good effect? We think not. They would undoubtedly pass a most loyal and patriotic set of resolutions, declaring unwavering fealty to the Union; and that secession is folly and a crime. But what good would that do ? Is there any body North of New York City that does not entertain that sentiment, or is there any body any where that doubts the loyalty and patriotism of the North and all the North? And that it is ready to maintain the Union with property and life?... We do not see that a public meeting could have any possible good effect, but on the contrary a bad effect, in producing angry feelings, and arraying our people in a hostile attitude among themselves…

Saturday January 19,1861 – Edition Missing

Saturday January 19, 1861

ADVERTISER (2/1) UNION MEETING—If a meeting is to be called for the purpose of giving any man or men an opportunity for furnishing excuses for treason and secession, real Republicans will have nothing to do with it, as it would only serve to introduce dissentions into their own ranks. The Republicans are “Union Men” already. We do not know of one who is not read to support the Union to the utmost of his ability. If the Democrats feel their devotion growing cool, let them, under their own name, hold a meeting for their own especial benefit. We shall more particularly refer to this subject as further developments take place.

(2/5) THEATRE – Last evening being the occasion of the benefit and last appearance of Miss Menken, a dense throng came forward to testify their approbation of the excellent manner in which the lady has sustained her various positions for the past week … Suffice it to say, that in every respect the entertainment was a successful one, especially the performance of Young Blondin. His was one of the greatest exhibitions of nerve and muscle we ever witnessed; and in our humble judgement , must have rivaled in excellence at least the feats of his great prototype.

Sunday January 20,1861 – No Edition Printed Sunday January 20, 1861 – No Edition Published

Monday, January 21,1861

ARGUS (2/2) THE TOWN MEETING – The Advertiser is apparently alarmed at the idea of having a town meeting “to consult upon the public good.” Its party in congress appear to be equally afraid to have the people “consult upon the public good” and therefore persistently refuse to allow any question in regard to it to be submitted to the to the people …If our neighbor means that voters must know beforehand all about the meeting – who are to speak and what they are to say, we advise it to commence publishing the proceedings of the meeting at once, so that all may know just what is to be done before it is “ did.” Voters will not need to attend then. Cannot the Advertiser forget party for a moment in such a crisis as this?

Monday January 21, 1861

ADVERTISER (2/2) UNION MEETING -- It seems that a Union Meeting has been called, under a clause of the City Charter, “to consult upon the public good.“ Does that mean the public good of the nation of the public good of our people?

What is expected to be accomplished by this meeting? Can we do anything to heal the division in the country, which our friends and representatives at Washington are not ready and willing to do? We take it there is not necessity for this call, and think it is a cover for something different from consulting the public good; that in fact there is a private and not a public end to be accomplished; and that a party motive lies at the bottom of this plan, skillfully enwrapped under the robe of “public good.” There is no doubt that a great deal of the bluster and gasconade which is now so rampant at the South is blown up to damage, disorganize and break down the Republican party. The pro-slavery party do not mean to yield up the power they have so long exercised, without a vehement struggle. They hope yet to succeed if they can frighten the North out of all their property and their principles…

Tuesday January 22, 1861

ARGUS (2/2) All this peace and prosperity secured and enjoyed under a “pro-slavery” government, which—to judge by the closing portion of Gov. Washburn’s address – has been guilty of a continued series of outrages for the past forty years, and has furnished to history a governmental example that ought to make even Austria blush! Oh, Governor !
How could you thus falsify truth? How could you slander the government of your own country –the best government the world has ever seen? How could you thus belittle yourself and belie your own knowledge, for paltry party purposes? Shame! Shame! Shame!
Reader, Peruse again, and remember what Gov.Washburn says ! Bear it in mind as time rolls on, and events are born from the womb of the future. Time tries. By their works shall ye know them. Let the past be the criterion by which to measure the success of the future – Democrats will have no fear of that test.

Tuesday January 22, 1861

ADVERTISER (2/5) MILITARY – At a meeting last evening of the commissioned officers of this city, held at the armory of the Portland Light Infantry – Capt. Forsaith in the chair – Capt. Roberts, chairman of a Committee chosen to revise the present militia law of this State, reported amendments, which were adopted. A Committee consisting of Col. L.D.M. Swett , Capt. T.A.Roberts, Capt .A.Witham, Capt. Shaw, Capt. Rich and Capt. Forsaith, was chosen to present the same before the Committee on Military Affairs of the Legislature at Augusta.

(2/5) The Legislative proceedings of Saturday were devoid of interest.

Wednesday January 23, 1861

ARGUS (2/2) ARRIVAL FROM THE SOUTH – We noticed to-day the schooner Red Jacket unloading Southern Pine Lumber, direct from So. Carolina, at St. John Smith’s wharf. It seems our Southern brethren are not yet prepared to prohibit the exportation of their products. The Cargo consists of floor beams for a new mill. They are of a superior quality, well worthy the notice of all interested in building matters. We understand they were sawed to order for the Hill Manufacturing Co. of Lewiston by Messrs. James & Pope of Boston, manufacturers of and dealers in Hard Pine Lumber.

(2/1) “ WAR FOOTINGS” COSTLY ! “ If fifteen or even eight or ten of the Slave States leave us, our government resources will be so crippled that we shall have to depend upon the State for the means of carrying on a war…to be in active service only TEN DAYS would be One Hundred Thousand Dollars!..The people of Rhode Island will never consent to pay this price for an experiment which common sense then must at last prove a complete failure “ –THE PROVIDENCE JOURNAL
Perhaps the people of Maine will be willing to pay for such folly so dearly, but we don’t believe it yet. Those who have been so glibly talking about putting the military of Maine upon a “ war footing” had better first set down and count the cost, and then ask the people if they are ready to pay it, before the debt is incurred.

Wednesday January 23, 1861

ADVERTISER (2/1) DEMOCRATIC MALIGNITY—In this day of intense political and sectional excitement, we are not disposed to use fierce words in our discussions with political opponents, but when we see our own neighbors willfully and persistently libeling and abusing the party to which we are proud to belong, with a full consciousness that their abuse and falsehood will find its way to the South, we feel called upon to enter our earnest protest. .. While the country is in its present peril, we wish to see the people united upon one idea. The Union, it must and SHALL be preserved. 

Thursday January 24,1861

ARGUS (2/3) A BITTER SATIRE – Mr.Elwood Fisher, in 1837, closed a lecture before the Mercantile Library of Cincinnati, by giving the following as an appropriate epitaph for the American people, after they shall have destroyed their country by their insane dispute over the negro : “Here were a people who disputed about the capacity of the African for liberty and civilization, and did not themselves possess the capacity to preserve their own.”
Could a more bitter satire on a great people be penned than this?

(2/2) If ( Maine Republicans) are “ready to make compromises and offer concessions” to effect a settlements of troubles, why not DO IT AT ONCE ? What Senator or Representative from New England, save Senator Dixon of Connecticut, has even manifested a conciliating spirit, much less has offered and compromise? Where is Senator Fessenden? Is he in favor of conciliation and compromise? If so, how long will he delay, in his country’s agony, before saying so? We hope what our neighbor says is true, and we are anxious to see the evidence, as we have no doubt the people are also.

Thursday January 24, 1861

ADVERTISER (2/6) --The following incident occurred during the organization of the Legislature : When the Governor elect, accompanied by Gov. Morrill and Council, and the Heads of Departments ,came in, the customary oaths were taken and subscribed, after which the Secretary of State made the usual proclamation, adding to the ejaculation, “ God Save the State of Maine ! “ the words, “ And the United States of America ! “ They were received by the whole House with an outburst of enthusiastic applause.

Friday January 25,1861

“If we cannot agree let us fight” -- John Sherman, Member Congress, OHIO
“ So long as the secessionists resist the laws of the country, my voice is for War “—
John J. Perry, Member Congress, MAINE

 The above extracts from speeches, as reported by telegraph, exhibit the spirit of the ultra republican leaders in Congress. Is such a spirit the intelligent thinking men of Maine will approve and endorse? A fighting spirit is as expensive and unwise in most cases as it is unchristian.
(2/2) THE FISHERMEN AROUSING – The citizens of Vinal Haven, pursuant to a call duly issued, held a meeting last Saturday in consequence of the distracted condition of the country, and voted to adopt the Crittenden Resolves, and have sent on a petition to Congress, signed by the citizens of that island, praying that Congress may adopt them.
(2/2) THE VOICE OF JEFFERSON -- The praises of Jefferson have of late been sung by many who in other days, not very remote, were accustomed to speak of him in terms far from eulogistic. No matter. They praise him now. We therefore, invite their attention to the following extract of a letter addressed to a Senator of Maine ( John Holmes ) in 1820 – a time of great excitement and peril to the country – by the Sage of Monticello. Here is what he said. Read and ponder.
“ I regret that I am now to die in the belief that the useless sacrifices of themselves by the generation of 1776, to acquire self-government and happiness to their country, is to be thrown away by the unwise and unworthy passions of their sons, and that my only consolation is to be that I will not live to weep over it…
“ If they would weigh the blessings they will throw away, against an abstract principle more likely to be effected by Union, than by secession, they would pause before they would perpetrate this act of suicide on themselves, and of treason against the hopes of the world…”
Let patriots in this hour of our country’s peril, accept this lesson from the greatest of America’s statesmen. If our members of Congress could but be actuated by the spirit that breathes in that letter how soon would our troubles disappear and peace and prosperity again bless our land ! Who can foretell the calamities which the absence of that spirit may bring upon us.

Friday January 25,1861

ADVERTISER (2/4) MR.TAYLOR’S LECTURE – Mr. Bayard Taylor’s lecture on “Moscow” on Wednesday evening, was replete with interest and instruction – It lacked the swaying power which characterized the productions of some of his predecessors but there was body to it –something which would remain when the speaker’s words had ceased to echo on the ear; and when we say this, we speak of the matter, and not the manner. Mr. Taylor is not a remarkably happy speaker – few good writers are – and we think he could have written a more brilliant description, but we question if its goodness would have been so quickly appreciated. However much other may differ from us, we must remark that from our previous knowledge of the gentleman, he did not disappoint our expectations.

Saturday January 26,1861

ARGUS (2/1) THE TOWN MEETING TO-DAY.-- We feel assured that we need not urge upon the patriotic citizens of Portland the duty of attending the meeting at the New City Hall this afternoon “ to consult upon the public good” – Never, since the darkest days of the Revolution -- which it has been truly said, was a time that tried men’s souls – has there been so much need of an exhibition of exalted patriotism on the part of the American people, rising above all minor considerations, and ready to meet the great questions of this hour in a becoming spirit…
At any rate, let the voters of Portland but be true to the honest, generous feelings of their own hearts, and we will not fear to be answerable that the words they shall utter to-day as the voice of the meeting, will be worthy of themselves as American citizens, loving their whole country and desirous of seeing present discords hushed by the return of fraternal feelings and friendly relations between all sections of it.

(2/3) NEGROES IN CARS – A decision was rendered in a Philadelphia Court last week, by which railway companies can legally eject colored persons from their cars.

Saturday January 26, 1861

ADVERTISER (2/2) TOWN MEETING—We would remind our citizens that an old-fashioned Town Meeting of the voters of Portland is to be held in the New City Hall to-day, at 2 o’clock, “ to consult upon the public good.” Whatever may have been the views of our citizens as to the expediency of calling such a meeting, now that it has been called we should all attend and take part in the proceedings, that the result may be a true expression of the sentiments of the citizens of Portland.

(2/4) -- Georgia is out of the Union, and will, perhaps, be ready to settle accounts with the Government. It cost us several millions to remove the Cree and Cherokee Indians, whose rich lands the Georgians possess. Let them reimburse our Treasury or restore our Lands.

(2/3) ANOTHER MAINE BOY PROMOTED TO HONOR – Hon. Timothy O. Howe, just elected United States Senator from Wisconsin, formerly resided in Readfield, Kennebec County. Mr. Howe and Hon. Lot M. Morrill were law students in the same office, and now they meet in the highest Legislative Council in the world.

Sunday January 27, 1861 – No Edition Printed

Sunday January 27, 1861 – No Edition Printed

Monday January 28,1861

ARGUS (2/1) A ROUSING TOWN MEETNG! / PORTLAND UTTERS HER VOICE FOR THE REPEAL OF THE PERSONAL LIBERTY BILL AND FOR CONCILIATION AND UNION! -- The town meeting on Saturday was, as we believe, the largest in-door political assemblage ever held in Portland. Not only were the seats in every part of the spacious hall completely filled, but hundreds were obliged to stand all the afternoon in the aisles and doorways. Nor was this grand gathering of the voters of Portland less remarkable for the conciliatory and patriotic spirit manifested than for the numbers present. The vast assemblage appeared fully to realize the momentous nature of the crisis which they had assembled to consult upon, and the deliberations were worthy of the occasion – there was ardor without disorder, and dignity without stiffness… It shew that our citizens could meet together as brethren, sink the partisan in the patriot, and prefer their country to political creeds…Let us pray that such may indeed be its effects and that the work of conciliation may go on until alienation shall disappear and mutual confidences and kindness shall be fully restored to the hearts of all our political kindred in every State.

Monday January 29, 1861

ADVERTISER (2/2) GREAT UNION MEETING ! / COMPLETE SUCCESS ! / 3000 People Assembled ! / PERFECT UNANIMITY ! -- We rejoice in being able to announce to our readers out of the City, that the Union Meeting of Saturday last was a complete and magnificent SUCCESS. Judge Ether Shepley was elected Moderator, the whole number of votes being 660, of which Ether Shepley had 631… The Resolutions were firm, manly and dignified in their tone, and expressed the opinion of a vast majority of the people of this City and State. The discussions were conducted with eminent courtesy and forbearance ; scarcely an allusion having been made to party politics throughout the session. We venture to say that in no City of the Union can such unanimity be found …The resolution declaring that no State had a right to secede from the Union...was received with loud and enthusiastic applause. .. After passing a vote that the resolutions be published in the daily papers of the City, the meeting dissolved with hearty cheers for the Union and the Constitution.

(2/4) RELIEF FOR KANSAS – The Committee appointed by the public meeting for the relief of the suffering people of Kansas will remit the amount which many of our people have liberally contributed on Tuesday to-morrow…the money will be sent directly to the committee of distribution in Kansas, without any discrimination or deduction. 

Tuesday January 29,1861

ARGUS (2/6) PUBLIC MEETING – It will be perceived by the correspondence which we publish, that Hon.F.O.J.Smith will address our citizens at the New City Hall this evening on the dangers of the Union and the remedy. The reputation of the speaker for ability and eloquence, will ensure a crowded house. It should be so. In such as crisis as this, the people ought to assemble to discuss and deliberate upon the great questions of the hour – big with the fate of the country. Let there be a good gathering.
(2/2) BAND CONCERT—The Concert by the Portland and last evening was a magnificent one, and it was greeted with the fullest house of the season. All of the performances went off in the most admirable manner. Miss Lizzie Heywood, the vocalist, was in fine voice. On an encore of the “Star Spangled Banner” she sang ( a new ) stanza which was greeted with thunderous applause.

Tuesday January 29, 1861

ADVERTISER (2/3) THE BAND CONCERT – We have no hesitation in saying that the concert last evening gave more general satisfaction than either of the preceeding . The pieces were selected with admirable taste, and performed with great skill and effect….Miss Heywood’s singing of the “Star Spangled Banner” and the enthusiasm it excited, will for long be remembered by those present. The concluding stanza, written expressly for the fair singer by a lady seventy-five years of age, touched anew the patriotic chord, and the rapturous applause which it elicited was a perfect ovation to the subject and the singer.

And now to our Anderson our voices we’ll raise –

The bravest of brave—the hero of Ft. Sumter –

Who from duty ne’er shrunk, with the Union in view,

But to God and his country is evermore true !

Let us join in acclaim to his true and just fame,

And huzza for the Union and Anderson’s name

And the Star Spangled Banner in triumph shall wave

O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave !

Wednesday January 30,1861

ARGUS (2/3) UNION MEETING – The New City Hall was crowded to repletion last evening to listen to an address upon the present state of affairs in this country, from Hon. F.O.J. Smith. Every standing place in the hall and ante-room was occupied and in the orchestra gallery were several ladies. Soon after 7 o’clock the meeting was called to order by Samuel Trask, Esq., and was organized. Gen.Anderson, on assuming the chair, made a few patriotic remarks, and introduced the orator of the evening, who was received with great applause.
Mr. Smith addressed the meeting in a speech about three hours long. He told the crowd that slavery was an institution of divine ordination, that slaves were recognized as property by the Constitution, and therefore Congress was bound to protect slaveholders in their property wherever it might be. He argued for peaceable secession and that coercion should not be used towards the seceeding states. His arguments were strong and well considered, but it is impossible at this late hour to give even an outline of them. At the conclusion of his remarks resolutions offered by Mr.Trask were adopted by on overwhelming vote : RESOLVED, That we are opposed to civil war, or the coercion by arms of equal sovereign States, and if the dissolution of our Union is to be permanent, we pray it may be peaceful.

(2/2) COMMISSIONERS FROM MAINE – We trust that the Legislature of Maine will appoint or authorize the Governor to appoint, commissioners to meet those from other States at Washington on the 4th of February, in accordance with the request of Virginia. South Carolina has spurned the conciliatory proposition. We hope Maine will not disgrace herself by imitating that example, but will, like Pennsylvania and other States, send able men to meet the council of consultation.

Wednesday January 30, 1861

ADVERTISER (2/2) -- The Legislature has accepted the bill reported by the Committee on the Militia, placing the whole military power of the State in the hands of the Governor , and appropriating fifty thousand dollars for the purchase of ammunition for the purpose of aiding the General Government in contending with rebellion. The bill is in the course of its enactment, without a word of opposition.

Thursday January 31,1861

ARGUS (2/2) COMMISSIONERS TO WASHINGTON -- The Governor has communicated the Resolutions of Virginia inviting the appointment of Commissioners from this State to meet those from other States at Washington, on the 4th of February, and they were referred to the committee on Federal Relations. The committee met last eve but we have not yet learned whether they will recommend that they be appointed or not. We trust that such will be the action taken by the Legislature, but if not, we hope to see citizens take the matter into their own hands. Maine should be represented in the National council.
(2/7) A prominent gentleman of this State now in Washington writes that the delegation from Maine in both houses of Congress are the obstinate and most doggedly opposed to all compromise of any delegation in Congress. We regret to hear this. Such, we believe, is not the sentiment of the people of Maine, and they are now, therefore, misrepresented by their servants in Congress.

Thursday January 31, 1861

ADVERTISER (2/2) FROM WASHINGTON – In our opinion the reports from Washington for the past few days have been less encouraging than ever before. It has long been perfectly well known that a conspiracy had been organized in and about the capitol for the purpose of taking possession of the city and overthrowing the government; but the very enormity of the crime rendered the people of the North incredulous … At present however reports come so thick and fast that public attention is being aroused and a general feeling of fear pervades the community…We can see no present solution of our troubles; the future is big with fate, the grand purpose of the Free Government in America has not been accomplished, the prophecies of time, the promises of our infancy have not been fulfilled ; the hopes of humanity are in the future of America ; the prayers of our people are to the God of Peace for protection and guidance, and all may yet be well.


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