Medical Cannabis Program At-a-Glance

**Downloadable registered caregiver and registered dispensary information has moved to the page Medical Use Applicant and Registrant Search.**

The below table contains information on the Maine Medical Use of Cannabis Program (MMCP) including the number of registered caregivers, registered employees/assistants, medical providers, and printed patient certificates. Where available, visitors may toggle specific categories appearing under “At-a-Glance” to populate the trend fields below. Additionally, annual reports of the medical program are available for further review here.

REMINDER: Sales tax data for both cannabis programs is maintained by Maine Revenue Services (MRS) and is publicly available on the MRS website based on information as filed by tax filers. Visit this MRS webpage and select "monthly cannabis taxable sales statewide" to see the most recent quarterly report.

**Downloadable registered caregiver and registered dispensary information has moved to the page Medical Use Applicant and Registrant Search.**