Rulemaking - Adult Use

There are two aspects to the State of Maine's Adult Use Cannabis Program (AUCP): statute and rule. The Cannabis Legalization Act currently appears in Title 28-B of the Maine Revised Statutes. 

Rules are implemented by state agencies to build upon existing law and provide a shared understanding of how a regulatory agency interprets statutory language.

There are various aspects of the rulemaking process that OCP undertakes. Some of these are formal and required by the Maine Administrative Procedures Act, while others are informal and used to gather input to further inform the work of OCP. Ongoing rulemaking activity (proposed and provisionally adopted) of the Office can be found in the related links.

Currently, OCP is engaging in routine technical rulemaking for the adult use program to make changes to the Rules for the Certification of Cannabis Testing Facilities, 18-691 CMR, ch. 5. The proposed rule and public comment form can be accessed here. All public comments must be submitted to OCP by July 14, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.

OCP is also hosting an in-person public hearing on July 2, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. as another opportunity to solicit public comments and address questions about the rules. The hearing will take place at 19 Union Street (Room 324), Augusta, Maine.