As a result of the ongoing discussions with the U.S. Department of Education, a few significant changes have occurred to Maine’s Model of School Support.
Updates to Student Groups:
- At the school level the All Student group will now be reviewed for all applicable accountability indicators. This will allow for the accomplishments of all students to be acknowledged. Previously, student groups that did not have 10 or more students were not included in accountability calculations. With the All student group, now all Full Academic Year (FAY) students will be included in the school level accountability profile.
Updates to Accountability Indicators and Calculations:
Chronic Absenteeism
Emerging | Developing | Meeting | Excelling |
All eligible student group populations have a chronic absenteeism rate of 10% or higher. | At least one eligible student group populations have a chronic absenteeism rate of less than 10%. | All eligible student group populations have a chronic absenteeism rate of less than 10%. | All eligible student group populations have a chronic absenteeism rate of 5% or less. |
A Title I school with an Emerging or Developing overall school score in chronic absenteeism indicator AND an Emerging overall score in Progress and Academic Achievement for Math and/or ELA will be eligible for Tier III support. Previously, schools with a Developing overall school score for chronic absenteeism were not Tier III eligible.
Academic Achievement - ELA
Emerging | Developing | Meeting | Excelling |
No eligible student group made their annual target | At least one eligible student group made their annual target | All eligible student groups made their annual target | All eligible historically underperforming student groups have made their annual ‘Accelerating’ goal and all other eligible student groups met or exceeded their annual target |
Academic Achievement - Math
Emerging | Developing | Meeting | Excelling |
No eligible student group made their annual target | At least one eligible student group made their annual target | All eligible student groups made their annual target | All eligible historically underperforming student groups have made their annual ‘Accelerating’ goal and all other eligible student groups met or exceeded their annual target |
The calculation to determine ELA and Math Academic Achievement goals for all eligible student groups (10 or more FAY students).
within a school has shifted from a flat 20% increase to a 20% of the gap goal from 90%.
Flat 20% over 14 years = 1.43% annually
20% of each student group's GAP (from 90%)
For example:
Baseline percentage: 20%
GAP: 90% - 20% = 70%
20% of 70% = 14%
14% over 14 years = 1% annually (for 3 years)
After 3 years the GAP will be re-evaluated and new goals will be established to account for the recent performance of each student group within a school.