Math Pathways - Supporting Educators

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Supporting Educators' Implementation

The goal of math pathways at the secondary level is to support every student in learning mathematics, which will support them in their future academic and career pursuits. To do this, educators need resources that support them in implementing rigorous, engaging, and relevant mathematics teaching and learning they may have previously taught.

Math Pathways Resources for Educator Implementation


Resources for Guidance Counselors
New Course Guide Helps Students Choose Math Based on Career Goals

This blog post has examples of processes and resources from central Texas that support students in choosing mathematics classes, including a companion guide that provides specific support for guidance counselors and educators who support students.

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Resource & Reports
Launch Years Initiative

In support of this vision, the Launch Years Initiative, partner organizations, and others supporting the initiative developed the following reports and other documents including major reports, course frameworks, tools to use, supporting briefs, and research from community college research center.

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Student Graduation Plans
Graduation Plans and Policies for Identifying Students At Risk of Not Graduating

This webpage provides Information for guidance counselors and school leaders about identifying students at risk of not graduating. It includes example templates for creating graduation plans for students, which may include their pathway through mathematics courses.

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“Students choose pathways based on their future aspirations. Students are not placed based on perceived preparation levels.” 

- Ohio Department of Education


Pathways Framework
Teaching for Robust Understanding (TRU)

The TRU framework can be used when planning high-quality professional learning for secondary mathematics educators. Its five dimensions focus on creating powerful learning environments in actionable ways.

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Math Pathways Training
Training for School Counselors & Curriculum Directors

This set of resources includes a training video for school counselors and curriculum directors, a Facilitator Guide, and a set of slides to go with it.