Non-Publics & Equitable Services
- Title I Equitable Service Program Information & USDA Income Guidelines
- Non-Public Complaint Process
- USDOE Non-Regulatory Guidance for Equitable Services (Non-publics)
- Title I Eligible Student Reporting Process - Synergy (PDF of Slides)
- Equitable Services Spending Snapshot
- Equitable Services Training (video)
Title I-A: Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local Educational Agencies
- Title IA Spending Snapshot
- Title I, Part A Poverty Data Sources
- Title I Ed-Tech Certification Requirements
- Comparability
- Serving Pre-School Children Under Title I
- Rank and Distribution Training (slides)
- Rank and Distribution Training (video)
- FY24 Title IA Allocations Update (video)
- Committee of Practitioners FAQ
- Schoolwide Guidance: How to Apply and the Benefits of Schoolwide Programming
- Presentation for schools who have been approved for Title I Schoolwide Authority, including Tier III.
- USDOE Resource: Supporting School Reform by Leveraging Federal Funds in a Schoolwide Program
Family Engagement
- Family Engagement Statutory References
- Parent's Right to Know: Statutory References and Required Language
- 4 Week Sample Letter (Parent Notification for non-Teacher Certification)
Summer Reallocated
- FY25 Title I Summer Reallocated Application Training (slides)
- FY25 Title I Summer Reallocated Training (video)
- FY22 Summer School Programming Takeaways
- Title I Summer Reallocation Procedures
Committee of Practitioners
- Committee of Practitioners FAQ
- Title I Committee of Practitioners: Equitable Services Data Collection
Title I, Part D Subparts 1 & 2
- Title I Part D Subpart 2 Training (slide deck from 5/2024)
- Title I Part D Subpart 2 Training (video recording)
- Local Residential Facility ESEA Participation Form for Title I Part D Subpart 2 Recipients
- Title ID (NDTAC Website)
- Neglected, Delinquent, and At-Risk Youth Non-Regulatory Guidance
Title IIA: Teacher & Principal Training & Recruiting
- Title II Spending Snapshot
- Title II Allocation Adjustment Schedule
- Non-Regulatory Guidance: Title II
- 4 Week Sample Letter
Title III - Language Instruction for English Learners and Immigrant Students
- Title III Spending Snapshot
- Non-regulatory Guidance: English Learners and Title III of the ESEA Translation and Interpretation Guidelines for Title I and Title III
- Ensuring English Learner Students Can Participate Meaningfully and Equally in Education Programs
- Title III Consortium Guidance (Video)
Title IV - 21st Century Schools
- Title IV, Part A: Student Support & Academic Enrichment
- Title IV, Part B: 21st Century Community Learning Center