Student and Staff Data Reporting Calendars


Public RC

Charter/State Operated

Charter and State Operated RC

Applied Technology Regions

Applied Tech Region RC

Regional Programs

Regional Program RC

Private - 60% Publicly Funded

Private 60% Pub Funded RC

Private Non-Sectarian

Private Non-Sec RC

Private Special Purpose

Private Special Purpose RC

Reports Due by Month

July Report Names Open Due
Daily Attendance Certification 6/1 7/15
SpED Exit Report 6/1 7/30
August Report Names Open Due
EF-M-39 A - Adult Education Reporting 6/1 8/30
September Open Due
No Reports due at this time - -
October Report Names Open Due
CTE October Student Counts 10/1 10/30
Dropout Certification 10/2 10/15
EF-S-05 Part II Special Services Staff 7/1 10/30
EFT-21 Safety Training Report    
EFT-24 Transportation Vehicle and Operations Report    
NEO Staff Certification 7/1 10/30
October 1st Enrollment Count 10/1 10/30
Q1 Behavior Reporting 10/1 10/15
Q1 Bullying Reporting 10/1 10/15
Q1 Daily Attendance Validation 10/1 10/15
Q1 Truancy Reporting 10/1 10/15
Restrain and Seclusion 6/1 10/15
November Report Names Open Due
No reports due at this time - -
December Report Names Open Due
EF-M-39 B - Adult Education Reporting 12/1 12/15
January Report Names Open Due
Q2 Behavior Reporting 1/1 1/15
Q2 Bullying Reporting 1/1 1/15
Q2 Daily Attendance Verification 1/1 1/15
Q2 Truancy Reporting 1/1 1/15
February Report Names Due Open
No reports due at this time - -
March Report Names Open Due
No reports due at this time - -
April Report Names Open Due
April Enrollment Counts 4/1 4/15
High Cost Out of District Placement Report 3/1 4/15
Q3 Behavior Reporting 4/1 4/15
Q3 Bullying Reporting 4/1 4/15
Q3 Daily Attendance Verification 4/1 4/15
Q3 Truancy Reporting 4/1 4/15
May Report Names Open Due
No reports due at this time - -
June Report Names Open Due
End of Year Enrollment Exits 6/1 6/30
ESEA Demographics 5/15 6/15
Maine School Application 5/1 6/30
Perkins 3S1 CTE Post-Secondary Placement Reporting 9/30 6/30
Q4 Behavior Certification 6/1 6/30
Q4 Bullying Certification 6/1 6/30
Q4 Truancy Certification 6/1 6/30