December 18, 2024 Commission Meeting

Agenda (151.19 KB)
Minutes (167.4 KB)

1. Ratification of the Minutes of the October 30 and November 4, 2024 Meetings

Motion: To ratify the October 30, 2024 minutes
Made by:  Commissioner Schneider
Seconded by: Commissioner Marble

Vote: 4-0

Motion: To ratify the November 4, 2024 minutes
Made by:  Commissioner Schneider
Seconded by: Commissioner Marble

Vote: 4-0

2. Request for Penalty Waiver – Hon. Scott Cyrway       

Rep. Scott Cyrway, a candidate for the Maine Senate, was required to file a 24-Hour Report on October 29, 2024. His treasurer, Allan Rowe, filed the report one day late. Mr. Rowe requests a waiver of a preliminary penalty of $43.98. In the waiver request, Mr. Rowe stated that failing to file the report after entering the transactions was a one-time oversight. Staff recommendation: the staff recommends not reducing the preliminary penalty because it is already below the range of penalties usually assessed when a report is filed late.

Motion: To find the report was filed late and access a penalty of $43.98
Made by:  Commissioner Schneider
Seconded by: Commissioner Marble

Vote: 4-0

3. Request for Penalty Waiver – Leo Kenney       

Leo Kenney, a candidate for the Maine Senate, was required to file a campaign finance report on October 25, 2024, eleven days before the general election. His treasurer filed the report one day late. Mr. Kenney requests a waiver of a preliminary penalty of $835.37. In the waiver request, Mr. Kenney stated his treasurer was busy until late in the evening of October 25, but logged in and completed the report after midnight. Staff recommendation: the staff recommends reducing the preliminary penalty to $300.

Motion: To find the report was filed late and reduce the fine to $300
Made by:  Commissioner Schneider
Seconded by: Commissioner Hastings

Vote: 4-0

4. Request for Penalty Waiver – Kevin Freeman

Kevin Freeman, a candidate for the Maine House of Representatives, was required to file a campaign finance report on October 25, 2024, eleven days before the general election. His treasurer, Shelly Mountain, filed the report one day late. Ms. Mountain requests a waiver of a preliminary penalty of $184.43. In the waiver request, Ms. Mountain stated that she had entered all the data required in the report but neglected to complete the filing process. Staff recommendation: the staff recommends not reducing the preliminary penalty because it is already below the usual range of penalties assessed when a report is filed late.

Motion: To find the report was filed late and access a penalty of $184.43
Made by:  Commissioner Schneider
Seconded by: Commissioner Marble

Vote: 4-0

5. Complaint – Communications Opposing Bar Harbor Referendum

The Commission received a complaint concerning paid communications to voters opposing a referendum on the November 5, 2024 town ballot in Bar Harbor. Commission staff gathered preliminary information concerning the expenditures for the communications. Staff recommendation: based on the preliminary information received, Commission staff recommends taking no action on the complaint.

Motion: To take no further action on this matter
Made by:  Commissioner Schneider
Seconded by: Commissioner Marble

Vote: 4-0

6. Request for Penalty Waiver – Bright Future Maine PAC

On November 2, 2024, Bright Future Maine received a $10,000 contribution and was required to file a 24-Hour Report the next day. The PAC filed the report eight days late on November 11, 2024. The PAC requested a waiver of the $2,800 preliminary penalty. Staff recommendation: staff recommends reducing the penalty to $1,000.

Motion: To find the report was filed late and reduce the fine to $1,000
Made by:  Commissioner Schneider
Seconded by: Commissioner Marble

Vote: 4-0

7. Request for Penalty Waiver – Cumberland County Republican Committee

The Cumberland County Republican Committee was required to file an independent expenditure report on October 20, 2024, but filed the report five days late on October 25. The committee seeks a waiver of the $382.50 preliminary penalty due to the inexperience of the committee treasurer and the committee’s reliance on volunteers. Staff recommendation: Commission staff recommends reducing the penalty to $100.

Motion: To find the report was filed late and reduce the fine to $100
Made by:  Commissioner Schneider
Seconded by: Commissioner Marble

Vote: 4-0

8. Request for Penalty Waiver – FAM PAC

The FAM PAC was required to file an independent expenditure report on October 13, 2024, but filed the report 12 days late. The preliminary penalty is $365.40. The PAC requests a waiver because it initially thought all expenditures to support candidates were below the $250 reporting threshold. Staff recommendation: the Commission staff recommends not reducing the preliminary penalty because it is already below the range of usual penalties assessed against PACs when an independent expenditure report is filed late.

Motion: To find the report was filed late and access a penalty of $365.40
Made by:  Commissioner Ahearn
Seconded by: Commissioner Schneider

Vote: 4-0

9. Memo – Supporter Pays for a Mailing

The Commission staff prepared a memo at the request of the Commission giving further consideration to how campaign finance law should be applied when a political group orders a communication to voters and arranges for a supporter to finance it by paying the vendor directly.

Executive Session (if necessary)

Other Business