Radio Address: Maple Syrup Season Starts with Blaine House Tree Tapping

March 11, 2015

(MP3 Audio)

Maple syrup season is an example of why small farmers are such an important part of our heritage and our economy.

Hello, this is Governor Paul LePage.

This week, I took part in an annual tradition ? the tapping of a maple tree at the Blaine House. This event kicks off Maine?s maple syrup season and helps promote this growing industry in our state.

Maine?s maple industry contributes an estimated $28 million directly to our economy. Including multiplier effects, it has an annual economic output estimated at nearly $50 million.

The industry also provides 805 full and part-time jobs and $25 million in labor income.

More importantly, this industry has a tremendous potential for additional growth and future job creation.

A University of Maine study conducted last year found that Maine has the third-largest maple industry in the United States.

Maine?s licensed maple syrup producers have been in operation an average of 24 years, and many span multiple generations.

Our tax reform proposal would help these maple producers, as well as other small farmers and family businesses.

Our goal is to eliminate the income tax, which would put $1.2 billion back in Mainers? pockets. This year?s phase of cutting the income tax would save Maine?s small farmers more than $4 million.

Almost every Mainer who claims income from farming would get at least $1,100 from our tax cut.

The estate tax often results in families losing the farm or business. We would eliminate this ?death tax,? which would help keep farms and small businesses in the family.

We also double the Homestead Exemption for homeowners over 65, and we replace revenue sharing by tripling the Property Tax Fairness Credit, which provides tax relief directly to Maine?s taxpayers.

Our tax reform proposal puts money in farmers? pockets, helps them keep their homes and protects their farms or small businesses for future generations.

You can visit many of these farmers and maple producers on Maine Maple Sunday, which is on March 22.

About 100 sugarhouses will be open throughout the state. Visitors can enjoy samples of maple syrup and candy, see demonstrations of making syrup, take sugarbush tours and participate in other activities.

For more information about Maine Maple Producers, please go to:

Thank you for supporting our maple industry and our small farmers.