Standard Offer Bid Solicitations: Docket 2024-00102 - Versant BHD

Docket 2024-00102

Request for Proposals for Versant Power-BHD (All Classes) Service beginning January 1, 2025

RFP Issued September 12, 2024; Initial Bids due October 9, 2024.  The Commission has not finalized the final bid days. Bids must be submitted by 10 AM EPT on each day.

  • TBD: half of BHD residential/small commercial

  • TBD: half of CMP residential/small commercial

  • TBD: second half of BHD residential/small commercial, BHD medium, BHD large

  • TBD: second half of CMP residential/small commercial, CMP medium, CMP large, all of MPD

Versant Power-BHD's Service Territory

RFP Bangor Hydro Electric RFP (PDF)

Appendix A

Chapter 301 (MS Word)

Appendix B

Other rules related to retail electricity supply (PDF)

Appendix C


Standard Form Contract-Small, Med, Large Unlinked (MS Word)

Standard Form Contract Large Indexed Unlinked (MS Word)

Appendix 1—Calculation of Excess Market Exposure Security (MS Word Version)

Appendix D

Terms & Conditions (PDF)

Appendix E


Appendix F

License Application for CEPs (Word)

Appendix G



Loss Factors (MS Excel)

Appendix H

Statement of Commitment (MS Word)

Appendix I

SO Class Definitions (PDF)

Appendix J

Description of provider's rights and Responsibilities (PDF)

Appendix K

Standard Form Guaranty (MS Word)

Appendix L

Bidder Conditions (MS Word)

Standard Bid Sheets

Bid Sheet for Standard Offer Bids  

Data Files

Billing Determinates


Actual, as-billed meter data for Total class and SO Only.

Load Summary

Summary of SO and all customers data, including peak demand data. For the Medium class, the data is from the settlement files. For the large class, the summary is based on metered data and the standard offer class is based on those customers on standard offer as of July 31, 2023 with known proforma adjustments.

Load Profiles

Actual SO Hourly Settlement Data


Actual hourly standard offer settlement data as settled with ISO-NE.  Small and medium classes settled on profiles. Includes losses and unaccounted for energy.

Other Hourly Data & Pk Load


Represents the standard offer customers as of July 31, 2022. Hourly loads include losses and unaccounted for energy (UFE) and are taken from the Daily Settlements 



Aggregated ICAP data for standard offer customers as reported on the last day of each month to ISO-NE

Large Class Customers by kWh Ranges


The number of customers in the large class by kWh range currently receiving service from standard offer competitive electricity providers.

Large Class Time of Use Hours

kWh Credit Net Energy Billing Data

kWh credit program data for Applied NEB kWh Credits by month, Generation Output by month, and Actual and Forecast Nameplate Capacity by month (MS Excel)

