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State Workforce Investment Board Meeting
May 23, 2014: 9:30 AMFrances Perkins Room, Central Maine Commerce Center, 45 Commerce Drive, Augusta ME
State Workforce Investment Board (SWIB) Meeting Minutes May 23, 2104 Frances Perkins Room Central Maine Commerce Center Augusta, Maine
Topic Introduction of State Workforce Investment Board Members and Guests
Present: Don Berry, Laura Boyett, Bill Burney, Ryan Bushey, Mel Clarrage, Tracey Cooley, Tom Davis, Scott Good, Renee Kelly, Craig Larrabee, Yvonne Mickles, Brian Whitney, Kevin Healey, Carolyn Lockwood, Pete Pare, Gail Senese, and Fred Webber, Terry Young
By Phone: Robert Carmichael, Liz Ray, Representative Peter Johnson
Absent with notice: Sallie Chandler, Wayne Holmquist, Chip Roche, Joanne Harris, Gerard Salvo, Dr. Barbara Woodlee
Absent: Judy Plummer-Beale, John Leavitt, Sen. Garret Mason, Rep. Amy Volk, and Sen. John Patrick
Staff: Garret Oswald
Topic Youth Barriers Policy/Data Element Validation Policy Discussion Ginny Carroll from the Bureau of Employment Services gave a presentation regarding the Youth Barrier Policy that is required by WIA. After a brief discussion Mel Clarrage made a motion to approve the policy, and Scott Good seconded the motion. The vote to approve was unanimous. Ginny Carroll then presented the Data Element Validation policy. This policy will help with current compliance, but at some point Maine needs to upgrade/replace its management information system. After some discussion about what the actual policy being advanced was, and how this was connected to the ?Small State Funding? issue, Ryan Bushey made a motion to approve the policy and Terry Young seconded. The vote to approve was unanimous.
Topic Local Workforce Investment Board Strategic Plans
Discussion Ginny Carroll from the Bureau of Employment Services presented information about the LWIB plan reviews. Overall the Plans were very good and followed the spirit of the planning instructions and guidelines issued by MDOL. Three of the four plans were recommended for approval as written (Areas 2, 3 and 4). The plan from Area One (Aroostook/Washington) was lacking in detail and description of some activities and strategies, and as such was recommended for conditional approval until further information was provided.
After some discussion, Terry Young motioned for approval/conditional approval as recommended. Mel Clarrage seconded. The vote to approve was unanimous.
Topic Competitive Skills Scholarship Program Occupations List Discussion Joan Dolan from the Bureau of Employment Services gave a presentation about the CSSP Occupation list, and explained that the SWIB is required annually to give a recommendation to the Commissioner of Labor regarding the composition of the list.
After some discussion about the data contained in the document, Mel Clarrage made a motion to recommend approval of the list. Scott Good seconded. The vote to approve was unanimous.
Topic WIA Incentive Grant application Discussion Maine was one of only eight states to meet or exceed its performance measures for WIA and Adult Education for Program Year 12. As such we are eligible to apply for a WIA Incentive Grant award of $819,000. MDOL and MDOE worked to craft a proposal that funds Industry Partnerships (as supported in LD 90), and a Reading and Numeracy project. The proposal was supported by Commissioner Paquette and Commissioner Rier. After some discussion, Mel Clarrage made a motion to recommend that the Governor submit the proposal as written. Ryan Bushey seconded the motion. The vote to recommend submission was unanimous.
Topic SWIB Meeting minutes Discussion Fred Webber asked for approval of the SWIB meeting minutes from 1/17/14 and 3/28/14. Scott Good made a motion to approve the 1/17/14 minutes. Don Berry seconded. Vote to approve was unanimous. Kevin Healey made a motion to approve the 3/28/14 minutes. Mel Clarrage seconded. The vote to approve was unanimous.
Topic America Works discussion Discussion Governor LePage?s Senior Policy Advisors for Education and Workforce Development, Tom Desjardens and John Butera, spoke about what they heard at the National Governor?s Association ?America Works? events in Stamford CT and Oklahoma City OK. The data about the United States performance compared to other nations is alarming. The USA ranks below average in literacy, numeracy and workforce preparation. Both felt that the information was compelling, and that Maine was making the right moves regarding aligning the Education, Economic and Workforce Development systems and the new Governor?s Council.
Topic Adjournment Discussion Fred Webber thanked everyone for their participation in the meeting and presentations and asked for a motion to adjourn. Pete Pare made the motion, Mel Clarrage seconded. Vote to adjourn was unanimous.