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Commission on Disability & Employment
May 21, 2015: 9:00 AMFrances Perkins Room B
COMMITTEE ON DISABILITY AND EMPLOYMENT May 21, 2015 9:00 AM ? 12:00 PM Central Maine Commerce Center 45 Commerce Drive, Augusta Frances Perkins Room Polycom to Bangor Career Center AGENDA 9:00 Welcome, Review previous meeting minutes 9:10 SWIB/WIOA Update ? Garret Oswald 9:40 SWIB Data Work Group ? Jennifer Kimble 10:00 DEI update ? Peaches Bass 10:30 Break 10:45 CDE Strategy and Next Steps ? Jennifer Kimble - Legislative education (e.g. LD1240) - PSA feedback/ideas - ADA 25th Anniversary - ABLE act - Empowerment Forum 11:45 Other Business Next Meeting: Thursday, September 17, 2015 9:00 ? 12:00 Central Maine Commerce Center Frances Perkins Room
Commission on Disability & Employment
May 21, 2015
Present: Jennifer Kimble, Don Rice, Jenny Ardito, Gayla Dwyer, Rachel Dyer, Peaches Bass, Jean Coltart, Cheryl Moran
Absent: Mel Clarrage, Avery Olmstead, Monica Elwell
Jennifer Kimble opened the meeting with welcomes & introductions.
Jennifer began addressing previous meeting minutes and asked correct or change. The committee decided to reword the third paragraph of the second page to on site employer coaching. Don Rice made a motion and Jenny Ardito seconded. All present voted in favor of approval as written after amended.
Next on the agenda was an update on the WIOA Vision/Mission Workshop. The Workshop consisted of 2 solid days that was held on 5/18 & 19 for sixty (60) Workforce Development System Partners. Jennifer Kimble and Cheryl Moran spoke about how everyone provided input to come up with a vision of what Maine will look like in reference to the workforce and the economy. Jennifer stated that there was good disability representation in attendance. At the end of the Workshop, it was determined that 2 days were not enough to complete. In order to do well, a third full day will need to be scheduled. Jennifer and Cheryl thought time was well spent.
SWIB Data Work Group ? Jennifer Kimble stated that the focus is on outcomes and how to measure. For example, apprenticeships, credentials and how to attach a dollar figure. Rachel Dyer stated she will represent the committee.
Next on the agenda was the DEI update. Peaches Bass mentioned about the National Disability Institute (NDI) spending a couple days on site at the Augusta, Lewiston and Wilton CareerCenters to see where they are regarding customers with disabilities. Peaches stated that the project has helped CareerCenter staff to be more sensitive and increased knowledge on disability. Peaches stated that the CareerCenter promotes Vocational Rehabilitation instead of actually working with folks, with disabilities. An automatic referral to Vocational Rehabilitation still is a challenge.
Peaches Bass then spoke about the DEI Report and the highlights that came out of the site visit. Peaches mentioned the focus was substantially on the WIA system such as: (1) Recognized paradox of current WIA system (2) Data ? OSOS case management system The intake screen has a section on disability. The main concern is once the intake has been completed and the disability section has not been checked, the screen is locked and there is no way to accurately detect. The overall concern is how to capture data.
Peaches then spoke about how the DEI is examining the process such as CareerCenter registration and intake and how to ask the initial question in reference to a disability intake. Peaches stated that WIOA will bring much needed improvement.
Peaches mentioned that a summer intern will start next Tuesday, May 26th for 12 weeks focusing on updating all materials particularly Internet presence and materials (Ticket to Work).
Peaches mentioned that the Commissioner?s Office decided not to apply for the DEI grant Round 6.
Partnership Plus Agreement ? Peaches Bass spoke about Lindsay Ball, who is a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor herself, surveyed her VR colleagues regarding conversation with a client on benefits counseling. Their response was I need more information. Peaches mentioned long before cases close, client conversation on benefits counseling needs to happen.
Peaches mentioned that disclosure training is where she would like to go. Stay tuned.
Empowerment Forum ? Jenny Ardito mentioned no new information but she will send out ?save the date? to each committee member.
Jennifer Kimble mentioned she is working on potential agenda for next meeting and would like to invite Vocational Rehabilitation to talk about WIOA.
There was no further business, the meeting was then adjourned.
Next meeting: Thursday, September 17, 2015, 9:00am ? 12:00pm, Central Commerce Center, Frances Perkins Room.
Respectfully submitted by Cheryl Moran