Commission on Disability & Employment

March 16, 2016: 9:00 AM
Frances Perkins Room, MDOL Commerce Drive, Augusta, ME

State Workforce Board COMMITTEE ON DISABILITY AND EMPLOYMENT March 16, 2016 9:00 AM ? 12:00 PM Central Maine Commerce Center 45 Commerce Drive, Augusta Frances Perkins Room Call in: 877-455-0244, Conference code: 2121366385 AGENDA 9:00 Welcome, Review/approve previous meeting(s) minutes 9:15 Maine Hire-A-Vet Campaign Overview ? Auta Main, SWB Veterans Committee liaison 9:45 WIOA Unified Plan Update / CDE Annual Report ? Jennifer Kimble 10:30 Break 10:45 DEI Update ? Peaches Bass 11:15 Updates: 5+ Councils ? Empowerment Forum Senator King Roundtable - update letter Employment First Coalition & Vision Quest Other updates 12:00 Adjourn Next Meeting: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 9:00 ? 12:00 Central Maine Commerce Center Frances Perkins Room

CDE Meeting Minutes 3/16/2016

Present: Peaches Bass, Jeanie Coltart, Rachel Dyer, Gayla Dwyer, Karen Fraser, Jennifer Kimble, Donald Rice. Marsha Swain (CART Provider) Absent: Mel Clarrage, Monica Elwell Guests: Auta Main, DOL Veterans? Employment Program Manager and SWB VEC Liaison Joe Sousa, Maine Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) Program Support Specialist

Welcome/Introductions: Meeting began promptly at 9:00 with introductions and welcome. Minutes from the January meeting were not reviewed; this will occur before or at May meeting along with March meeting minutes. Maine Hire-A-Vet Campaign: Auta Main delivered a presentation to the CDE regarding the Maine Hire-A-Vet campaign, which had a target of 100 veterans employed within 100 days at 100 employers. Highlights of presentation (more details in handouts attached): - Social media was very impactful in marketing - The support of state administration and resources of many veteran service agencies were critical; a full-time campaign manager was assigned for the initiative and ESGR sponsored provided employer recognition events/awards - Employers found the 100 jobs/days target very helpful in focusing their efforts - Employers also found helpful the daily ?veteran showcase? email highlighting individual veterans seeking employment, although a regional focus would make a good thing better - Military Culture 101 training was strongly encouraged for participating employers - Tracking data on individuals obtaining employment was challenging, as it was only employer-reported and did not include demographic data Joe Sousa described the role and responsibility of the ESGR (a program of the Department of Defense) as threefold: 1. Supporting compliance with the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA). ESGR is a resource to both employers and veterans.
2. Recognizing employers that support the hiring of veterans. 3. Supporting veterans to become employed in civilian jobs; Hero 2 Hired is an initiative linked with ESGR.
Peaches noted that it would be helpful for all WDS and CareerCenter staff to get the Military Culture 101 training. She also asked about funding for the initiative. Auta confirmed that the funding was mostly government funding, no support from private entities or foundations.
Peaches also asked whether the initiative reached out to labor unions; presenters noted they did not and agreed it would be a good idea for the upcoming year?s campaign. Debrief regarding MHAV: After presenters had left, CDE discussed the concept, its applicability to people with disabilities, concerns, and potential ideas. Jeanie expressed concern about employer credit checks impeding the hiring of people who have been in financial crisis, any person who is long-term unemployed - whether a person with a disability, homeless veteran, or older worker. Upon discussion with the group, Jennifer agreed to bring this issue to the SWB Committee Chairs as a cross-population issue that could use attention and advocacy.
Members expressed hesitation about the ability of the MHAV campaign model to be transferrable to an employment campaign for people with disabilities. Three general themes arose ? 1. There is a general societal expectation that people with disabilities do not work, and almost by definition, cannot work. A veteran is expected to find civilian employment after discharge.
2. Employers would not be performing a ?patriotic duty? by hiring a person with a disability; employing a person with a disability does not have the same social capital as employment of veterans. 3. In addition, the resources necessary to run a campaign like this would likely require grant funds in order to dedicate staff to the effort.
Jeanie asked the group why employers do not hire people with disabilities. Don shared that in his experience, employers with whom he has worked expressed concern about the cost of accommodations and worker?s compensation risks. The group was reminded of the survey of employers that Lisa Sturtevant from DHHS ? OADS presented to the CDE last year; the two biggest problems were related to a general lack of familiarity with people with disabilities and concerns about accommodations. Discussion followed that the Military Culture training was similar to earlier CDE conversations about need to develop training to support the changing of perceptions among the general public (especially employers) about people with disabilities. This also ties in with the CDE?s Annual report where Cultural Perceptions was listed as one of the challenges for PWD and employment in Maine.
Based upon the discussions on this topic Chair Jennifer Kimble requested that all CDE members think about this presentation and what we can do to replicate, or build upon, the MHAV Campaign to meet the needs of PWD and employment.
WIOA Unified Plan Update: Jennifer reported that at last report from Garret, the draft is done and will be posted soon for public comment. After revisions based on public comment, it will be reviewed and approved by the Governor. Submission deadline to feds is April 1. Updated version will be on Maine DOL SWB website once it?s been submitted.
Karen Fraser spoke about the DVR & DBVI VR Plan and that it had to be submitted to Governor LePage, then RSA Commissioner and Commissioners of Labor and Education. There was discussion about different aspects of Plan, in particular regarding collaboration between providers to better serve employers and clients. Jennifer mentioned that the VR Progressive Employment Pilot program underway now has some aspects of this of which the CDE may be interested. Based upon questions asked Karen offered to invite Libby Stone Sterling to the next CDE meeting to talk about this Program. All agreed this was a good idea. This will be an Agenda item at an upcoming CDE Meeting. DEI Update: Peaches Bass distributed a SAVE THE DATE Flyer for 7 June 2016 Financial Freedom Forum occurring in Augusta. She discussed the value of this type of training, targeted to providers in the Central & Western part of Maine to foster an increase in them assisting clients they serve to improve their financial wellbeing. Peaches stated they are again experiencing a DEI vacancy-but are in the midst of interviewing candidates now (both Lewiston and Augusta areas). Discussion was had regarding the Career Centers? use of the ?Initial Assessment of First Time Users? form. This tool is reliant on the ?motivational interviewing skills? of the staff person using it. This form is not designed for a user to complete on their own. It is geared to be able to have the staff person identify ?what stage the user is currently at? and thus what services will be most appropriately matched for their stage; the staff person can direct them to those services. Disability-related questions seem to screen for referral to VR only. Nothing on the forms say that this disclosure of disability is voluntary and confidential and that disclosure will not affect eligibility for services. Don noted that the half-sheet ?Client Visit Record,? filled out at each visit, does not ask about disability. The group discussed having someone from BES attend the CDE and describe how the new WIOA-compliant forms are working and follow up in six months to a year to see if things have changed. Karen noted that the Commission should be looking at the quality of information provided to and outcomes for customers with disabilities.
 Karen Fraser noted that DOL-BES has experienced reorganization ? • Ed Upham has been promoted from Director of Bangor CareerCenter to Director of Bureau of Employment Services. • Nikki Jamieson has been promoted to the Regional Manager of North/East CareerCenters (formerly Manager of Machias CareerCenter) • Mary LaFontaine has been promoted to the Regional Manager of South/West CareerCenters (formerly Manager of Lewiston CareerCenter)

 Workforce Areas have been reduced from 4 to 3, no Aroostook Workforce Development now. The three are: • Northeast Region (Aroostook, Washington, Hancock, Piscataquis and Penobscot), • Central & Western (Kennebec, Somerset, Androscoggin, Oxford, and Franklin), and • Coastal Counties (York, Cumberland, Sagadahoc, Waldo, Knox, Lincoln).

 Five+ Councils: Jennifer reported that these groups have met to begin planning for the Empowerment Forum. Potential dates for the forum are 18 or 25 August 2016, the focus will be on ?transition? in a general sense (i.e. not specifically school/work, age-related), and it will be held at the Hilton Garden Inn in Auburn.

 Senator King Roundtable Discussion-update letter: Jennifer asked who had seen Senator King?s update letter sent previously. Majority of members present hadn?t seen it prior to Jennifer sharing it today. This letter was written by the Senator, and include his policy recommendations on disability employment after holding the roundtable discussion in November and other phone conversations with constituents here in Maine. One key point re: legislation related to Benefits Counseling and need for more CWICs.

 New BES data system to replace OSOS: Jennifer asked about the new BES data system; she had heard this was coming. Karen noted that the new, web-based system is America?s Job Link Alliance (AJLA) ? it combines case management and Job Bank functionality, and is currently used in many states. The target implementation date is July 1, 2016.

 Employment First & Vision Quest: Jennifer encouraged members to read this report for discussion in a future meeting.

Respectfully submitted by Jennifer Kimble with help from Gayla Dwyer
