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Maine Apprenticeship Council Meeting
January 7, 2016: 9:30 AMWilliam Looney Room, MDOL Commerce Drive, Augusta
Maine Apprenticeship Council Meeting Minutes January 7, 2016
Present: Richard Fecteau, Sheet Metal Workers Local Union 17; Don Nazaroff, Sheet Metal Workers Local Union 17; Bruce Davis, Kennebec Valley Community College; Brian Watson, Cianbro; Jennifer Boynton, MaineGeneral Medical Center; Jennifer McKenna, Local Union 716; Charles McNeil, USDOL/OA; Trisha Mosher, ABC Maine; Bob Bourgault, Public Member; Dawn Croteau, DHHS Aspire Program; Denise Garland, Department of Economic and Community Development; Linda Hussey, MDOL/MAP; and Joan Dolan, MDOL/MAP
Agenda Item Discussion Follow-up Minutes from last meeting They are not available to disseminate Joan will contact Gail Senese who took notes. Review of Council Seats The Chair has expressed to some council members that he is retiring. The Council recommended that Joan talk to Don Berry to confirm his intentions. If he does intend to step down from the council, a new Chairperson from the remaining council should be nominated. The Co-Chair, Phil Dionne, recently resigned from the council and his seat is vacant. The council agreed that a new co-chair be nominated as well. Several individuals were recommended: current council member, Jen McKenna, Al Sheppard and Brian Watson as Co-chair. If Don Berry steps down from the council, there will be a labor opening on the council. Training Director Al Sheppard was recommended as a nominee. There is an open Business representative vacancy; Lisa Martin from the Maine Manufacturing Association a representative from Pratt and Whitney or a representative from BIW were also recommended. Melissa Harvey from Job Corps needs to be replaced on the MAC; Tracey Travis from JMG was recommended. Joan will speak to Don Berry before the next Council Meeting. Jen McKenna motioned to postpone further discussion on the Chair and Co-Chair seats until the next meeting. Bruce Davis seconded the motion.
Joan will talk to Chris Trider about his thoughts on the chair position.
Joan will speak to Meg regarding the DOE vacancy.
Joan will talk to Lisa Martin about serving on the apprenticeship committee next week.
Files The paper files have been updated. The data base is being worked on and looks good.
Monitoring continued Linda and Joan did a quality review at Pratt and Whitney on November18th. They have an impressive program. Joan updated the form for the review. Charles suggested to add what companies are doing for outreach to recruit women, minorities and veterans.
Two monitoring reviews will be completed in January. We are hopeful to complete at least two monitoring visits per month.
Form to be updated to include outreach questions.
Transition to Rapids Joan explained the process and why. At some point, companies will be able to go into Rapids and register their own apprentices with final approval from the MAP. Charles is meeting with Joan and Linda on Friday, 1/8 to help with the transition.
Review of Programs in development Joan has hired two new staff to oversee grants. Eileen Miazga will be cross trained and will focus on the IT field. Steve McFarland will be cross trained and will be focused on manufacturing. Linda and Joan will focus on Health Care.
Council review of the MaineGeneral Medical Center?s new apprenticeship program SHINE Med-Surg RN Residency. Charles pointed out that the program is hybrid but the SOW experience form lists it as competency based. Jennifer Boynton abstained from voting. All other members present voted yes. Jen McKenna motioned to accept the application with the change to hybrid program in the SOW . Brian seconded the motion. Linda to correct the terminology in the SOW.
Charles? USDOL report There will be $45 million available in grants for the next two years, specifically for apprenticeship programs. Anyone is eligible to apply but states need to match the funds. The SGA will be out in August sometime. Other upcoming grants include $22.5 million to scale apprenticeship across industries; $13.5 million to support diversity and inclusion of RA programs; and $9 million for national activities.
There is a WIOA conference on January 26th. The national office is hosting training for ATR?s in the spring.
CSSP 2015 Occupations List
CSSP continued Joan reviewed the information and explained why CSSP is currently not accepting new applications in most areas of the state. There is an effort to free up the 10 % administrative fee cap to allow for more personnel to administer the program, which would allow MDOL to increase enrollment in the program.
Joan will keep the council up-to-date
Self-Assessment Tool The Maine Apprenticeship Program was offered and accepted to participate in a technical assistance opportunity through the Employment and Training Administration on Apprenticeship and WIOA. We have been asked to complete the assessment tool that Linda emailed to everyone at the end of December. Council members will complete the assessment, return it to Linda by the end of January if possible and be prepared to discuss their thoughts at the next meeting.
Miscellaneous Brian shared exciting news about Cianbro?s companies Somerset CTE/pre-apprenticeship program being developed for pipe fittters. Trisha received a request from Bill Gervais seeking feedback on CTE school students getting credit for their CTE time toward their license. Members shared concerns that CTE schools do not go into enough depth to consider it OJT like apprenticeship does. Hours can be counted if they are specifically documented. Jen McKenna asked if there could be a spring recruitment through the Career Centers. Joan felt this was an excellent idea but shared that Adult Ed or community colleges would have to do the assessments on potential candidates as the Career Centers are unable to do this.
Adjournment Brian moved to adjourn the meeting and Jen seconded the motion. The next meeting is April 7th at the MDOL offices.