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Maine Apprenticeship Council Meeting
April 13, 2017: 9:30 AMMaine General Medical Ctr, 2nd Floor, Augusta
MAINE APPRENTICESHIP COUNCIL - QUARTERLY MEETING AGENDA Thursday, 4/13/17 9:30am - Noon MaineGeneral Medical Center, Augusta Maine Call To Order Joan Dolan Introduction of Council members and Guests Joan Dolan Approval of Minutes from the last meeting Joan Dolan New Business Joan Dolan Acting Chair Nomination/vote Biennial plan and evaluation tools and processes to be used to review apprenticeship programs and outcomes New Sponsor Approval ? Integrity Composites New Sponsor Approval ? Alfred Water District Old Business Acting Chair/Joan Dolan Bylaws ? no progress Council Membership ? paperwork, new membership Reports USDOL, Office of Apprenticeship USDOL Staff Director Joan Dolan Opportunity for guests to address the council Acting Chair Upcoming Meeting Schedule Acting Chair April 13, 2017 - 9:30-12:00 July 13, 2017 - 9:30-12:00 October 5, 2017 - 9:30-12:00 January 11, 2017 ? 9:30-12:00 Adjournment Acting Chair
Maine Apprenticeship Council Annual Meeting Minutes April 13, 2017
Present: Jennifer McKenna, Plumbers and Pipefitters UA 716; Joan Dolan, Director of Apprenticeship & Strategic Partnerships; Lee Reynolds, USDOL/Office of Apprenticeship; Jennifer Boynton, Staffing & Resource Management, MaineGeneral Medical Center; Marion Sprague, Manufacturer Association of Maine; Dawn Croteau, Office For Family Independence; Lisa Larson, President, EMCC; Jonathon Mason, HR Director, BIW; Tracey Cooley, Penobscot Job Corps, Director; Allan Shepherd, IBEW Local 567; Eileen Miazga, Apprenticeship Program Specialist
Agenda Item Discussion Follow up
Call to order and Introductions Joan called the meeting to order and introductions were made. New members acknowledged.
Review previous meeting minutes Tracey Cooley - motion to accept the minutes. Allan Shephard - seconded. The vote was unanimous to approve.
New Business Council contacts:
Acting Chair Joan Dolan reviewed open seats
o Allan suggested adding a representative from building construction or other craft trade
o Jen McKenna - working toward representation of all trades
o Dawn suggested a representative from Fed Cap
o Dwight Littlefield - JMG
Council Chair: Nomination of Jen McKenna for Council Chair by Allan Second ? Jen Boynton Jen McKenna accepts unanimous vote for Council Chair
Biennial Plan and evaluation tool: A biennial plan does not currently exist but is required in state statutes. The Colorado Apprenticeship plan could be useful as a model.
Council members will seek out possible candidates Joan will contact Women?s Committee for a recommendation
Term will begin at next Council meeting
A sub-committee to create 2 year strategic plan including goals/benchmarks and task assignments. Compare Colorado plan to Maine Plan Joan can present to Commissioner
New business (con?t)
Demand signal - A demand signal is a message issued within business operations. It provides a means of harmonizing demand data so that it can be used in demand planning.
How many jobs are needed in the future? (see CWRI info) Can we build apprenticeship to help to meet the need? Increase awareness of Programs ? Understanding apprenticeship ? Emphasize apprenticeship week (toward employers) ? Leader program ? Free marketing materials via USDOL ? Collect success stories (Rachel Knight ? Destination Occupation) and media ? Email newsletter ? Attend graduations ? Apprenticeship sponsor?s gather & ?Bring a friend? ? Applicable labor laws ? Review and distribute Apprenticeship materials ? Involvement in Manufacturing Day - target small manufacturer ? Increase awareness of career pathways to existing employees/apprentices ? Contact leadership organizations across the state How do we make the apprenticeship process easier for employers to navigate? ? Emphasize ROI
Encourage SWDB to focus on apprenticeship and move state plan forward Sub- committee for follow up: Allan, Jennifer, Marion, Lisa, Tracey, Peter
Lee Reynolds Need press release on Maine General training
Create packet Apprenticeship event ? with panel
State board members will assist to provide focus Old Business By-Law approval Held over for discussion at next meeting Reports
Maine Apprenticeship Director ? Joan Dolan Annual Report: Copies are available. Report submitted to Legislature. Contacts from businesses are increasing 67 active sponsors 91 programs 382 registered apprentice Tech Hire grant is creating opportunity for internships that can move to apprenticeship
USDOL - Lee Reynolds ROI report
Review of upcoming conference schedule
o May 2017 ? 2 conferences
Rhode Island
Washington DC
o NASTAD ? July 31-August 5/Denver
o August 31-September 1, 2017 Nat. Conf. on Business Engagement
Federal funding level through 04/28/17.
Apprenticeship got a bump in budget
Comments welcome
Lee will forward
Joan is scheduled to attend Upcoming Meeting Schedule July 13, 2017 - 9:30-12:00 at MaineGeneral October 12, 2017 - 9:30-12:00 location tbd January 11, 2018 Discussion on ?open? meetings ? to invite employers not on the Council Recommendation made to invite guests to attend council meetings. Suggestions: Maine Equal Justice Partners, each council member could bring a business, and current sponsors
Adjournment Motion made by Jen to adjourn the meeting and Dawn seconded the motion.
Submitted by Eileen Miazga, BES