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Commission on Disability & Employment
May 15, 2019: 9:00 AM45 Commerce Dr, Augusta Frances Perkins Room
State Workforce Board COMMISSION ON DISABILITY AND EMPLOYMENT May 15, 2019 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Central Maine Commerce Center 45 Commerce Drive, Augusta Frances Perkins Room Call in: 877-455-0244, Conference code: 9218175360 AGENDA 9:00 Welcome, Introductions, approve March meeting minutes 9:15 State & Legislative Updates 10:00 Collaboration with other groups 10:30 Break 10:45 Determine focus areas for CDE follow up re: EFM and CDE recommendations Identify audiences with which to communicate Develop communication strategy 12:00 Adjourn Next Meeting: July 17, 2019 9:00 12:00 Central Maine Commerce Center Frances Perkins Room
Present: Jennifer Kimble, (Chair), Donald Rice, Gayla Dwyer, Karen Fraser, Peaches Bass, Renee Doble, Rachel Dyer, Cheryl Peabody, (Phone)
Staff: Joshua Howe, Cheryl Moran
Welcome, Introductions, approve March meeting minutes Jennifer Kimble opened the regular meeting at 9:01am with welcome and introductions. Jennifer asked if everyone had a chance to review the 03/20/19 minutes. Peaches Bass motioned. Donald Rice seconded. Minutes approved as written.
State & Legislative Updates
SWB Update
Joshua Howe stated a new SWB Director, Chris Quint has been hired. He's been there approximately one month, and he apologizes for not being able to attend.
He stated the Boards and Commissions handle multiple positions. One legislative representative has been appointed this week. Theyre waiting on another. The Board still has one vacant seat plus waiting for a Chair.
If someone is interested about a seat on the Board, reach out to Chris or Josh.
Josh briefly explained what makes up the composition of the Board.
2 unions
Youth service provider
20% of the Board need to be those type of organizations.
Josh pointed out that immigrant and health care reps are also missing on the Board.
Seats are expiring in August. These seats can be re-appointed or new appointees.
The next SWB meeting is June 7th at the State House.
LD 1258, "An Act to Increase Access to Transportation for Workforce and Other Essential Transportation Needs" Jennifer Kimble stated the draft testimony on the transportation bill has been submitted and is on the website. Rachel Dyer stated she was disappointed that the language on the transportation vouchers was pulled out of the bill. Jennifer stated the CDE letter included some language stating disappointment about not including the vouchers. Jennifer stated 29 pieces of testimony are there. The majority are all in favor apart from 1 opposing (MDOT). We seem to be saying the same thing repeatedly. The transportation issue is either too overwhelming or we pretend its not an issue. Gayla Dwyer stated employers need to be involved with this. Employers say what do I need to do to solve this barrier? Jennifer stated some of this conversation should come up at the SWB.
LD 1637, An Act to Prevent Medicaid Payment from a Savings Account Established under the Federal ABLE Act of 2014, Cheryl Peabody stated Maine SILC submitted testimony in support of this Act. She stated she is willing to share with members.
LD 38, An Act to Provide Insurance Coverage for Hearing Joshua Howe stated the hearing aid bill passed as engrossed. He was asked what does engrossed mean? He stated engrossed means, an amendment can be made as this bill progresses until signed by the Governor. Cost: $6,000 per head ($3,000 per ear) every 3 years. Jennifer Kimble stated we should follow-up on the hearing aid bill. Josh stated there are a number of bills regarding sub-minimum wage. There has been a lot of opposition to this and he does not believe they went anywhere.
Collaboration with other groups
Jennifer Kimble stated Vocational Rehabilitation had an RFP out to consolidate the community rehabilitation services.
Selected to receive contracts were Maine Medical Center Department of Vocational Services for Cumberland and York Counties (Region 1), and Goodwill for the Lewiston and Augusta regions (Regions 2 and 3). No award was given to Region 4 & 5 (Bangor North).
Jennifer hopes this conversation will be brought up at the SRC meeting regarding Region 4 & 5.
Cheryl Peabody stated this is why she wanted to attend this meeting to help bring back information to both the SILC and SRC. Collaboration with other groups is good.
Jennifer stated she would like to have a 5 Councils Summit. Having everyone together will be very powerful, beneficial.
She asked are there Mental Health Reps on SILC or SRC? We need to identify missing people. We need to look at whos present on different councils. Mental Health definitely is missing.
Certain groups were pointed as missing; Cancer groups, Diabetes, brain injury, to name a few...
The question is how to integrate disability in general? Joshua Howe stated we need to be cognizant of not preaching the choir.
Determine focus areas for CDE follow up re: EFM and CDE recommendations Identify audiences with which to communicate Develop communication strategy Jennifer Kimble stated shes still not 100% sure who they should communicate with but right now, they will defer to Chris Quint, Director of SWB and Commissioner Fortman. Jennifer pointed out what their asks could be: Inclusion Expectations Education Employers We need to have an overarching lens of the workforce and how do we attach these things. We need to make sure we are specific. Jennifer asked the group what jumps out at all of them from the last meeting, todays meeting? Peaches Bass - Data. What to collect? Its a matter of figuring out what everyone is collecting and how to compile it. Renee Doble - Education expectations Mental Illness. Make this illness more acceptable. Get rid of the stigma. Donald Rice Education. How to get to employers? Peaches Bass More aggressive marketing of Ticket to Work. How to reach people that are no longer interactive with Vocational Rehabilitation. Gayla Dwyer Planting a seed when people are young that yes you can work before they start collecting benefits. The expectation that they can work disability or not. Jennifer Kimble stated OFI was not in the report so how are they having a conversation about disability? Probably not. She stated they should include this as one of their asks. The same with Adult Education. Joshua Howe suggested to include the CTE schools too. Jennifer Department plans about meeting those recommendations. She suggested plans be by office not department. Karen Fraser stated we should look at where we are now and going forward. We should also put together in a formal manner then determine what the ask is. Jennifer stated having a champion or 2 in the Legislature starting with the 2 SWB Legislatures. One name mentioned was Representative Michael Sylvester, Labor & Housing. Peaches stated DHHS is being looked at and might be added as a required partner (WIOA). Jennifer then stated we might want to add to asks. Jennifer summarized: 1. Employer support 2. Education and awareness 3. Early accountability by each office in the affected department 4. Actual plans from each office or bureau
Other Karen Fraser mentioned about the new Referral and Registration on-line System. She stated this system will be participant driven and they have been working on this for 2 years. Josh has been working on the RFP. They will have something live by the end of September and she will like to show the group. Other partners will be able to be added over time.
It was suggested for the next meeting to invite Amy Downing and Lisa Sturtevant to report out on BLN activities under the new agreement.
Meeting adjourned at 11:47am. Donald Rice motioned. Peaches Bass seconded.
Next Meeting: July 17, 2019 9:00 12:00 Central Maine Commerce Center Frances Perkins Room
Respectfully submitted by Cheryl Moran