Training Modules

Check out our new narrated trainings section!

Training modules A. through K. are similar to those modules used in the Board's open training programs. This training is geared toward claim administrators of all levels of experience:

A. Maine Workers' Compensation Board Overview – general information on the Board, its divisions, functions, and claims resolution process.

B. Forms Training – forms requirements and information such as due dates, electronic filing information, benefit information, etc.

     Forms Training Mini-Manual – for use with the forms training presentation above. Contains helpful hints on some of the more common forms issues. (PDF updated 8-10-23)

C. Compliance Training – how compliance is monitored and measured, with sample scenarios.

D. Payments Primer – practice calculating weekly compensation rates, both with the benefit tables (pre-2013 injuries) and the newer 2/3 of AWW method effective with injuries on or after 1/1/2013.

E. Calculating Average Weekly Wage – how to determine which method to use in calculating AWW under section 102(4) as well as other provisions of that section.

F. Wage Statement Training – sample wage statements with explanations of how AWW is determined for each.

G. Concurrent Employment- a practice problem involving multiple concurrent employers.

H. AWW Scenarios- various AWW scenarios and suggestions on how to best deal with them.

    Wage Statements for the Above – wage statements in .pdf format for the above PowerPoint.

I. Compensation for Incapacity – how to determine when the waiting period is met, partial benefit calculation, specific loss, coordination of benefits. Updated for the recently revised "transition week" calculations.

J. Benefit Calculation Examples – calculating weekly benefits due under a variety of scenarios. Updated for the recently revised "transition week" calculations.

K. The Audit Process – how an entity is selected for audit, how the audit sample is determined, what is tested, penalties, etc.

The Board also offers open Medical Fee Schedule training sessions. Future sessions will be announced in our newsletters as they are scheduled.

L. Maine Workers' Compensation Medical Fee Schedule

Also included is a module designed more for employers, particularly those who interact with their claim administrators:

M. Employer Training – provides general information on the Board and its functions, how the WC system works in Maine, the employer's responsibilities under the law, and the dispute resolution process.

For more information on open training, on-site training, employer training, medical fee schedule training, or related information, contact Amanda DiPietro at

To subscribe to the Monitoring, Audit, & Enforcement (MAE) program's quarterly email newsletter and/or the quarterly "Training Perspectives" newsletter contact Carrie Pomeroy at