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Profiles of Woodland Stewardship
Welcome to the Maine Forest Service’s Stewardship Stories page. Here you will find true stories of Maine’s woodlands and the people who care for them. The landowners profiled here are model stewards; their woodlands are visible demonstrations of conservation applied on the ground. Each story embodies several steps along the path of stewardship. Visit the Stewardship Storyline for more information.
Other profiles in this series:
The videos above can also be viewed on the Maine Forest Service's YouTube channel.
Here are some more Woodland Stewardship Stories, in a .pdf format.
Here is a story about one of our Stewardship Foresters:

For examples of other, related Woodland Stewardship Stories, visit the following sites:
- Hidden Valley Nature Center (HVNC), 2014 Maine Outstanding Tree Farmer
- Prentiss and Carlisle Woodlot Services
[Please note, the Maine Forest Service does not endorse any individual land management company, timber harvesting contractor or provider of forestry services.]
As time and resources allow, we hope to bring more stories about woodland owners across the state to this page. If you would like to nominate someone (including yourself!) for a future profile, or have ideas and comments about the series, please contact the Landowner Outreach Forester at (207) 287-8430, or e-mail forestinfo@maine.gov