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Mammals Species Plans
On this page:
Big Game

Moose, Black Bear, and White-tailed Deer
View the Big Game Management Plan (PDF)
Learn about the comprehensive planning process.
American Black Bear
- Species Assessment (PDF)
- List of Invitees to Working Group (PDF)
- Issues and Concerns (PDF)
- Goals and Objectives (PDF)
- Feasibility Statements (PDF)
- Problems and Strategies (PDF)
- Species Management System (PDF)

Beaver, River Otter, Mink, Muskrat, Eastern Coyote, Red Fox, Gray Fox, Bobcat, Marten, Fisher, Raccoon, Striped Skunk, Opossum, Short-tailed Weasel, Long-tailed Weasel, and Red Squirrel
View the Furbearer Management Plan (PDF)
Learn about the comprehensive planning process.
Non-Game and Small Mammals
New England Cottontail
- Species Assessment (PDF)
- List of Invitees to Working Group (PDF)
- Issues and Concerns (PDF)
- Goals and Objectives (PDF)
- Feasibility Statements (PDF)
- Problems and Strategies (PDF)
- Conservation Strategy for the New England Cottontail (PDF)