Data Breach Notifications

Entity Information

  • Type of Organization: Education
  • Entity Name: Texas Wesleyan University
  • Street Address: 1201 Wesleyan Street
  • City: Fort Worth
  • State, or Country if outside the US: TX
  • Zip Code: 76105

Submitted By

  • Name: Joseph M. Fusz
  • Title: Attorney
  • Firm name (if different than entity): Wilson Elser Moskowitz Edelman and Dicker LLP
  • Telephone Number: (312) 821-6141
  • Email Address:
  • Relationship to entity whose information was compromised: Counsel to Texas Wesleyan University

Breach Information

  • Total number of persons affected (including residents): 2900
  • Total number of Maine residents affected: A total of two (2) Maine resident may have been potentially affected by this incident. One (1) of these Maine residents was notified in the previous waves of notice which occurred on November 17, 2023 and January 24, 2024. A notification letter to the additional individual will be mailed on July 29, 2024.
  • If the number of Maine residents exceeds 1,000, have the consumer reporting agencies been notified:
  • Date(s) Breach Occured: October 06, 2023
  • Date Breach Discovered: October 06, 2023
  • Description of the Breach:
    • External system breach (hacking)
  • Information Acquired - Name or other personal identifier in combination with:

Notification and Protection Services

  • Type of Notification: Written
  • Date(s) of consumer notification: July 29, 2024
  • Copy of notice to affected Maine residents: TXWES_-_Maine_AG_Notice_and_Exhibit_-_Wave_3.pdf
  • Date of any previous (within 12 months) breach notifications:
  • Were identity theft protection services offered: Yes
  • If yes, please provide the duration, the provider of the service and a brief description of the service: CyberScout, 12 months