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Data Breach Notifications
Entity Information
- Type of Organization: Healthcare
- Entity Name: Simply Dental Management, Inc.
- Street Address: 87 Elm Street, Suite 302
- City: Hopkinton
- State, or Country if outside the US: MA
- Zip Code: 01748
Submitted By
- Name: Maria Matricia
- Title: VP of Admin Affairs & Orthodontic Operations
- Firm name (if different than entity):
- Telephone Number: 508-589-3133
- Email Address: mmatracia@simplydentalmanagement.com
- Relationship to entity whose information was compromised: Employee
Breach Information
- Total number of persons affected (including residents): 48
- Total number of Maine residents affected: 1
- If the number of Maine residents exceeds 1,000, have the consumer reporting agencies been notified:
- Date(s) Breach Occured: 09/28/2021 - 12/21/2021
- Date Breach Discovered: 12/21/2021
- Description of the Breach:
- Other
- If other, please specify: Former employee still had access to fax system due to bug in service. She continued to use her access after leaving the company to steal credit card numbers.
- Information Acquired - Name or other personal identifier in combination with: Financial Account Number or Credit/Debit Card Number (in combination with security code, access code, password or PIN for the account)
Notification and Protection Services
- Type of Notification: Written
- Date(s) of consumer notification: 03/02/2022
- Copy of notice to affected Maine residents: SAMPLE Notice to individuals - financial info (S2059808-3x7A7A4) - Copy.docx
- Date of any previous (within 12 months) breach notifications:
- Were identity theft protection services offered: Yes
- If yes, please provide the duration, the provider of the service and a brief description of the service: Online credit monitoring through myTrueIdentity (provided by TransUnion) for 12 months. "Able to obtain twelve months of unlimited access to your TransUnion credit report and VantageScore ® credit score by TransUnion. The daily credit monitoring service will notify you if there are any critical changes to your credit file at TransUnion ®, including fraud alerts, new inquiries, new accounts, new public records, late payments, change of address and more. The service also includes the ability to lock and unlock your TransUnion credit report online, access to identity restoration services that provides assistance in the event your identity is compromised to help you restore your identity and up to $1,000,000 in identity theft insurance with no deductible. (Policy limitations and exclusions may apply.)"