- Log on to BFMS
- Go to the Annual area (button)
- Select the Fiscal Year and the Department/Agency Umbrella
- Select Budget Orders
- Budget Order Summary window
- Insert a new record
- Update
- Select the budget order
- Budget Order Detail window
- Select
- Budget Order Reporting Level Selection window
- Insert each account to be included on the budget order
- Update
- Select account (perform steps 6-12 for each account)
- Summary - Budget Order window
- Click on the Object Level button
- Expenditures by Object - Budget Order window
- Insert a record for each Object/Amount
- Update
- Justification
- Enter justification to appear on the budget order
- Update
- Exit
- Exit the Expenditures by Object - Budget Order window
- Exit the Summary - Budget Order window
- Budget Order Reporting Level Selection window
- Set Level A Approval to 'Accepted'
- Update
- Repeat steps 6-12 for each account included on the budget order
- Exit the Budget Order Reporting Level Selection window
- Exit the Budget Order Detail window
- Budget Order Summary window
- Set Level B Approval to 'Accepted'
- Update
- Print Budget Order
- Select Reports
- Annual
- Open Budget Orders
- Select Fiscal Year and Agency Reference Number
- Report Selection Criteria tab - Select Department/Agency Umbrella and Account detail levels
- Reporting Type Selections tab - select Object detail level
- Print and send budget order to the Budget Office with authorized Department/Agency signature applied
Budget Order Information
Budget Order Summary Window
Navigation Path: Log On - Annual (button) - Budget Orders (radio button) - Budget Order Summary (window)
The Budget Order Summary window is accessed to insert new records in order to create agency initiated budget orders. Budget orders may only be generated at the level 4 (account) reporting level.
- Budget Order Update authority, which is granted by authorized users in the Define Approvals - Umbrella window, is required to insert and modify budget orders
- A reporting level may only be reflected for one pending department or agency initiated budget order record at a time. Once the State Budget Officer status has been set to 'Accepted' for the budget order, a new record may be inserted for the reporting level.
- Other related windows: Budget Order Detail; Budget Order Reporting Level Selection; Summary - Budget Order; Expenditures by Class - Budget Order; Expenditures by Object - Budget Order
Expenditures by Object - Budget Order Window
Navigation Path: Log On - Annual (button) - Budget Orders (radio button) - Budget Order Summary (window) - Budget Order Detail (window) - Budget Order Reporting Level Selection (window) - Summary Budget Order (window) - Object Level (button)
The Expenditures by Object - Budget Order window is accessed to create agency initiated budget orders.
- When the window is accessed, the summary information at the top of the window is based on current allotment reserve balances. The summary information at the bottom of the window is calculated as current allotment reserve balances less the entries reflected in the window. Once the budget order has been approved, current and ending allotment reserve balance amounts will be equal until a new budget order is created.
- The offsetting entries will not be reflected in prior quarter columns at the class and summary levels until the budget order has been approved by the State Budget Officer.