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Loon License Plate

When you ask for a Maine Loon License Plate, you're showing your support for Maine's special places and its wildlife.
Created by the Maine State Legislature in 1993, the loon (conservation) plate directly benefits the Bureau of Parks and Lands, under the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry, as well as the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. Order the Loon/Conservation license plate online now, or next time you visit your local town hall/vehicle registration office.
For every $20 spent on a new loon plate:
- $8.40 goes to the Bureau of Parks and Lands (BPL);
- $5.60 goes to Inland Fisheries & Wildlife (IF&W);
- and $6 goes to the Bureau of Motor Vehicles.
How are Those Funds Used?
The Bureau of Parks and Lands uses the loon plate funds to help maintain and improve Maine's State Parks and Historic Sites. While some of the money is used for basic maintenance supplies and upkeep items, it is also spent on significant projects, such as those listed below, that enhance the enjoyment of Maine's special places by the public.
Your loon plate funds have helped:
- Construct a new day-use shelter at Moose Point
- Construct a new 28-foot-long bridge at Bible Point
- Replace boat slips at Lily Bay
- Make improvements in keeping with the Americans with Disabilities Act at the; Lightkeeper's House at Quoddy Head State Park;
- Help harvest and saw about 20,000 board feet of lumber from the Camden Hills woodlot, later used to build picnic tables, signs, Adirondack shelters and a cold storage building, as well repair many other park structures throughout the park system;
- Repair trails, roads and parking lots at Moose Point, Camden Hills, Quoddy Head, Damariscotta Lake, Shackford Head and Birch Point Beach;
- Installation of a new lifeguard stand at Peaks-Kenny;
- Purchase a historically important parcel at Colonial Pemaquid State Historic Site in Bristol, completing the site area;
- Plus much, much more!
Funds that go to IF&W help support important wildlife conservation and help in obtaining matching federal funds through the U.S. Endangered Species Act, the State Wildlife Grant Program and the Landowner Incentive Program.
Your Loon Plate is available in four types:
- Disability
- Motor home
- Trailer
- Commercial loon plates.
When you're visiting a State Park, ask the staff what improvements the loon plate money has been able to make possible.
And ask for your Loon Plate the next time you register your vehicle at a town hall or motor vehicle office!