Forestry Friday: Tick Talk with Chuck Lubelczyk
Bureau / Program: Maine Forest Service
Date: May 12, 2023
Time: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Location: Virtual - Teams meeting
Event Type: Workshop/Training
This is a timely talk during Maine's Lyme Disease Awareness Month about ticks: ecology, diseases, prevention measures. Chuck Lubelczyk is a field scientist with Maine Health Institute for Research Vector-Borne Disease Laboratory. He has been working on tick research since the late 1990s, focusing on the interactions between ticks and mosquitoes and their host and habitat requirements. As a Vector-borne Disease Work Group member, he is the attendee most-likely-to-participate-while-conducting fieldwork. He knows ticks from a scientific, practical and personal standpoint. Join us for an engaging and informative talk from one of Maine's top tick experts for our Lyme Disease Awareness Month-Forestry Friday.
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