Public Comment on Chapter 575: Solar on HVAL Rulemaking

Division / Program: Agriculture Resource Development
Date: July 25, 2024 - August 29, 2024

Event Type: Public Comment

In 2023, the Maine Legislature passed LD 1881 (P.L. 2023, Chapter 448) - An Act Regarding Compensation Fees and Related Conservation Efforts to Protect Soils and Wildlife and Fisheries Habitat from Solar and Wind Energy Development and High-impact Electric Transmission Lines Under the Site Location of Development Laws.

Pursuant to this new law, the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry (DACF) is directed to adopt routine technical rules regarding solar energy permitting definitions, administration, standards, delegation of authority, and enforcement. As part of its rulemaking effort, DACF must:

  • Define high-value agricultural land;
  • Define dual-use agricultural and solar production;
  • Establish tiers of high-value agricultural land with variable compensation amounts to be administered by DEP;
  • Establish rules to define the administrative process for permitting;
  • Develop standards for dual-use solar;
  • Establish standards and conditions for delegating permitting authority to the Land Use Planning Commission (LUPC) and municipalities; and
  • Establish permit program enforcement parameters.

DACF seeks input from the public regarding these draft rules and will review all input before final rule adoption.

A public hearing was held Monday, August 19, 2024. Watch Public Hearing Recording (YouTube).

Written comments regarding this rulemaking must be submitted by August 29, 2024, at 11:59 PM. If you need additional information, please call (207) 287-3491 or email at

Thank you for your input.

Contact Name: Caitlyn Cooper
Contact Phone: (207) 287-3491
Contact Email:

Related Documents

Draft Rule Language (DOCX)

Chapter 575 Rulemaking Fact Sheet (PDF)

LD 1881 (PDF)

Memo to Persons affected by P.L. 2023, Chapter 448, and members of the public (PDF)

Public Hearing Presentation 8/19/2024 (PDF)

Frequently Asked Questions - Updated 8/27/2024 (PDF)