Big Trees: Maine's Register of Big Trees

Since 1940, there has been a national registry of the biggest trees of both native and naturalized species. Maine also has its own state registry of big trees. These registries help recognize the importance of trees to our environment and quality of life. Big trees provide cool shade and shelter for wildlife, as well as contributing to clean air and water.
Big Tree Resources
- Big Tree Submission Form (PDF 102KB) Note: This is a fillable form and should be saved onto you computer first before entering information
How to Measure a Tree

How are the Total Points calculated?
Trunk Circumference (inches) + Height (feet) + ¼ Crown Spread (feet) = Total Points
How To Nominate a Potential Champ - Do you know of a really BIG TREE?
You can nominate a tree to be listed on Maine’s Register of Big Trees.
Write a nomination letter with the following information:
- Include the correct name of the species or variety. If you need help with identification, call your local Forest Service or Extension office.
- Circumference of the tree in inches at 4½ feet above the ground. If there is a growth or branch at this point, measure the narrowest point below 4½ feet.
- Vertical height of the tree to the nearest foot. The most reliable tools for this purpose are on Abney hand level, a hypsometer, or transit. Lacking such a tool, you can use a straight stick. Hold the stick at its base vertically at arm’s length, making sure its length above your hand equals the distance from your hand to your eye. Walk backward away from the tree, staying approximately level with the tree’s base. Stop when the stick above your hand appears to be the same length as the tree. You should be sighting over your hand to the base of the tree and, without moving anything but your eye, sighting over the tip of the stick to the top of the tree. Measure how far you have backed away from the tree, and that measurement, in feet, is the tree’s height.
- Average diameter of the crown to the nearest foot. Measure the widest spread of the crown and the narrowest, than add them together and divide by two.
- Location
- Date measured, and by whom.
- Name and address of owner.
- Clear photograph with date taken
- Description of the tree’s physical condition and state of preservation
- Name and address of nominator.
Mail your letter to:
Jan Ames Santerre, Project Canopy
Maine Forest Service
22 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333
Phone: (207) 287-4987
Or E-mail: