site location map

Figure 1. Site location map, including a close-up of the Saco Bay littoral, located within York and Cumberland Counties. Saco Bay is bound by Fletcher Neck to the south and Prouts Neck to the northeast. Alongshore distance begins approximately at the entrance to The Pool (0 ft) and ends at the southeastern end of Western Beach, at Prouts Neck (46,900 ft). Region 1 extends southeast-northwest along Hills Beach (light green, 0-6,000 ft). Region 2 extends roughly northwards from the north jetty of the Saco River to the south side of Goosefare Brook (7,700-18,700 ft). Region 3 extends from Goosefare Brook northeast to the Scarborough River. Region 4 extends northwest-southeast along Western Beach (43,700-46,900) to its terminus at the cliffs along Prouts Neck. Refer to Results section for further explanation.

Last updated on January 9, 2006.