DHHS Rulemaking Posting

Posting a new rule

Full posting form
  1. Post the title of the rule in the "Title" field
  2. Select the date the rule was posted to the site using the date picker
  3. Add the summary of the rule/rule change
  4. Select the Type of Post
  5. Select the office posting the rule
  6. Select whether the rule is Major substantive, routine, or emergency
  7. Add the email addresses of the people within DHHS that should receive the comments. Multiple email addresses can be entered separated by a comma between each address.
  8. Check this box if the comment period is currently open
  9. Select the comment deadline using the date picker
  10. If the rule has changed to recently adopted select the effective date using the date picker
  11. Add as many attachments as necessary. The maximum file size is 60 megabytes. When the "Choose Files" button is clicked a file picker dialog box will be opened. Select the file from your local computer/network and click the upload button. Add the text to display as a link to the file, including the file type in parentheses (this is critical for accessibility).
  12. This setting determines whether the comment form displays on the page. The default is Open, but this can be changed to Closed to immediately close the comments, or Scheduled, which allows to the enter the dates and times to open and close the comments. The form should always be changed to "Closed" when the comment period is over. Note that because pages are cached, it might sometimes takes 5-10 minutes for this change to take effect.

    Note that if you are signed in to Drupal the form will always show at the bottom of the page, even if you've changed it to be closed. The form will not show for normal visitors.

    It is extremely important that nothing else in the Webform settings is changed.

Hit "Save" and the rule will be added to the appropriate position.

Formatting notes:

  • Text should never be entered in all caps, as this affects how the text is read by screen readers
  • It is very important to always indicate the file type of attachments
  • Lists, if any, should be properly formatted and nested using the formatting toolbar.

Changing a rule from Proposed to Adopted

Open the rule and change the Type of Post (#4) from Proposed to Adopted. Also add an Effective date (#10) if appropriate. Making these changes will automatically update the display on the site.

Viewing comment form submissions for a rule

Open the rule posting page in Drupal. Go to the "Results" tab just under the page title at the top of the page. This tab will list all form submissions.

To download a file of all submissions that is openable by Microsoft Excel, do the following:

  1. Click the "Download" link
  2. In the resulting page
    1. Select "HTML Table" under the Export format. Click the checkbox to "Open HTML table in Excel"
    2. Select "Comma" under "Element multiple values delimiter"
    3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the "Download" button. The resulting file can be opened within Excel. If you click the "Save settings" button your download preference will be saved for the next time you download the file.

Note: It's possible that the opening the resulting download there will be an Alert: "The file format and extension of 'name of the file' don't match. The file could be corrupted or unsafe. Unless you trust its source, don't open it. Do you want to open it anyway?" -- it is safe to click yes. This dialog happens because the file is--strictly speaking--just a text file, not a true Excel file.