Division of Environmental and Community Health

Maine Center for Disease Control & Prevention

A Division of the Maine Department of Health and Human Services

DHHSMeCDCEnvironmental and Community HealthDrinking WaterPWS Inspection → Staff

Public Water System Inspection

Section Manager
Maraquita Hollman, (207) 592-6312

Non-Municipal Water System Inspectors

District A – Southern Maine
Vacant Position, (207) 287-2070

District B – Portland Region
Jeremiah (Jed) Haws
, (207) 441-6458

District D – Midcoast Maine
Jean Flannery
, (207) 592-0798

District E – Downeast Maine
Scott Whitney
, (207) 592-0578

District F – Western Maine
Darren Brann
, (207) 441-6573

District G – North-Central Maine
Vacant Position, (207) 287-2070

District H – Northern Maine
Robert Jandreau
, (207) 441-0443

Municipal Water System Inspectors

District I – Southern Maine
Denise Douin
, (207) 592-2165

District J – Central & Northern Maine
Kelly Shores
, (207) 944-3556

Click here for a listing of Municipal Water Systems in Maine

Map of Municipal and Non-Municipal Inspection Districts