DHHS → MeCDC → Environmental and Community Health → EOHP → Childhood Lead Poisoning →Providers →In-Office Blood Lead Testing
In-Office Blood Lead Testing
As of November 5, 2012, Maine law allows approved providers to perform in-office blood lead testing of children under age 6 years using a CLIA-waived, direct-read blood lead analyzer and to electronically report all test results to the Maine Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program. (Read the rules related to the law.
The intent of the law is to increase blood lead testing of children under age 6 years.
- Currently, the only CLIA-waived, in-office, direct-read blood lead testing device is the LeadCare II
, made by Magellan Diagnostics.
- Providers must have approval from the Maine Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program before they can begin in-office testing. The purpose of the approval is to ensure 1) that in-office blood lead testing will remove barriers to testing; and, 2) that providers using in-office testing will be able to have complete, timely, and electronic reporting of all test results directly to Maine Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program.
- All elevated blood lead levels still require a venous confirmation through the State Health and Environmental Testing Laboratory. See our Capillary Lead Test Confirmation Schedule for more information.
- For questions about the law, approval process, or data reporting requirements, contact: Dr. Maggie Bordeau, Public Health Physician, Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program 207-592-2432 margaret.bordeau@maine.gov
Get information about provider approval: criteria, application process, etc.
Read about data reporting requirements for in-office blood lead testing.