Maine Asthma Prevention and Control Program For Parents of Student Athletes with Asthma

Student athletes with asthma can still participate in sports both at school and for recreation, when asthma is managed and well controlled. Only your child's doctor can prescribe the proper medications to help your child lead an active lifestyle. As a parent there are a few key things to remember when your athlete has asthma:

  • Make sure an asthma action plan is on file with the school
  • Athletes can play sports when asthma is well managed. Your athlete should have a yearly doctor visit to update care
  • Talk to the coach so they know the warning signs of an asthma flare
  • Inhaling cold air can make asthma worse. Covering the mouth with a scarf or mask in winter can help
  • When outdoors in winter, remind your athlete to keep the inhaler inside a pocket so it doesn't freeze
  • Work with your athlete's doctor and coach to make the best sports experience for your child

Download an informational card for parents of athletes


Asthma for Parents Chart

sample informational card