Local Health Officer Training

Section 5: Solving the Problem

How do I Solve the Mold Problem?

Although perseverance is one factor in resolving the problem, you also have to understand the problem, listen carefully to the statements made, show your professionalism when dealing with the parties, and be fair in your dealings to encourage cooperation between the parties. We will touch on how to obtain the appropriate information, how to verify the complainant's statement, and how to get good advice for solving the complaint problem.  In this section you will have to refer to the  Standard LHO Complaint Flow Chart (PDF*)(standard narrative).

Important:  A tool that will assist in assessing the presence of mold in residential buildings. We suggest, when investigating a mold site, that you use the Mold Assessment Form (Word)(when investigating mold site).  This form was adapted from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).


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