Search for a Provider

We currently are updating ways for the public to search for information about providers.

Option #1: This is the newest option and will be the most current information for the provider types listed below.

  • Click Here:
  • Under Agency: choose Div of Licensing and Reg
  • Under Regulator: Choose the type of provider you are looking for.
  • Facilities/Agencies/Programs currently available in this link are:
    • Adult Day Services
    • Assisted Living Facilities (not associated with a nursing home)
    • Employee Assistance Programs
    • Home Health Agencies (state licensed facilities only; not federally certified)
    • Hospice Agencies – Volunteer (does include some agencies that are licensed only in Maine and their main headquarters are in NH)
    • Mental Health Agencies and Sites
    • Personal Care
    • Residential Care Facilities
    • Substance Abuse Agencies and Sites
    • Temporary Nurse Agencies

Option #2: Search for Provider for all other provider types.