Elizabeth Hopkins and Lorrie Mitchell Named to Key Leadership Roles

The Office of Aging and Disability Services is pleased to announce the appointment of Elizabeth (Betsy) Hopkins as the new Associate Director for Developmental Disability and Brain Injury Services. In her role, Betsy will provide leadership and oversight of OADS' intellectual, developmental and brain injury programs. She comes with extensive knowledge and experience regarding services for people with disabilities, both in Maine and nationally. Betsy was a regional supervisor in Maines developmental services system in the early 2000s before moving to the Department of Labor, where she served multiple roles, including the Director of Vocational Rehabilitation Services. Most recently, she has provided technical assistance on employment and disability to vocational rehabilitation agencies around the country through the National Disability Institute, in her role with the Workforce Innovation and Technical Assistance Center (WINTAC). Betsy is a PhD candidate in Global Inclusion and Social Development at the University of Massachusetts, Boston. She begins her new role at OADS on September 30th. Betsy lives in Rockland with her husband, two cats, and two dogs and is looking forward to returning to state government in this exciting and challenging position.

On August 26, OADS welcomed Lorrie Mitchell as the new Program Administrator for Crisis Services. Lorrie has filled many roles at DHHS over the years, including crisis worker, intensive case manager and contract manager, and was most recently Regional Director of Vocational Rehabilitation Services at the Maine Department of Labor. Lorrie holds her LMSW, cc. from the University of Maine, Orono. She will be overseeing the addition of an intake function and other enhancements to OADS statewide crisis program. When not at work, Lorrie spends time with her family in Lucerne – either cooking, or out on the water.