Maine Caregiver Survey

Maine wants to improve services that support older adults to live in our homes and our communities as long as possible. As part of this, Maine wants to hear from people who provide care and support to older adults or adults with disabilities as well as older adults who have primary responsibility for the care of a grandchild or other relative under the age of 18.

This statewide survey is being conducted by the Muskie School of Public Service at the University of Southern Maine (USM) on behalf of Maine's Office of Aging and Disability Services (OADS). While the survey is completely voluntary (you dont have to do it), the findings will help the State and its community partners focus on the areas that are of greatest concern to you and other caregivers in Maine.

Your individual responses are confidential. Responses will only be reported after they are combined with the responses from everyone who took the survey. Your responses will not affect any services or benefits you receive. If you have any questions about the survey, please contact James Moorhead, Aging Services Manager, Maines Office of Aging and Disability Services at 207-287-9200 or .

Please feel free to share this survey link with other people or organizations who might be interested.

Thank you!

Take the caregiver survey .