V. L-4. Hunting Licenses

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V. L-4. Hunting Licenses

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State statutes pertaining to hunting:


1.Prohibit persons under age 10 to hunt at any time.
2.Require a junior hunting license of persons at least 10 years of age and under 16 years of age prior to hunting and that these young hunters be accompanied at all times while hunting by a parent or approved adult who is at least 18 years of age.
3.Require a valid hunting license for those 16 years of age and older prior to hunting wild birds or animals.
4.Require completion of an approved hunter’s safety course for issuance of a first time hunting license.


It is anticipated that a child’s desire to hunt will depend on the interest and habits of the foster family in which he lives.  Therefore, the foster parent is to notify the child’s caseworker when a child wants to apply for or has obtained a hunting license.  If the foster parent is to supervise the child while hunting, the foster parent must have a valid hunting license.  If a foster parent himself does not accompany the child while hunting, it is the foster parent’s responsibility to see that the child is properly supervised by an adult with a hunting license.