Attention Providers of Sections 14, 30, 31, 45, 90, & 103: Draft Rates Public Review & Comment: Certain Medicare Covered Family Planning Services and Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARCs)

In May of 2024, MaineCare initiated a rate determination process* for Certain Medicare Covered Family Planning Services and LARCs. As part of that process, the Department conducted a code and rate analysis for these items and services to determine an appropriate and equitable benchmark and/or reimbursement methodology to ensure continued member access to Family Planning Services. This message outlines the next steps in the process related to draft rates.


MaineCare is holding a virtual public meeting on September 30, 2024, to present draft rates along with rationale. Interested parties will have the opportunity to provide public comments. Following the presentation, the draft rates will be posted on the Rate System Reform website, and the Department will accept written comments until midnight on October 14, 2024. The Department will then respond in writing to written comments with an explanation of whether and how the feedback was incorporated into the final rate determination.  

As providers and interested parties, your feedback is important. We encourage your participation.  

For questions on this process, please contact Dwayne Parsons, MaineCare’s Acting Manager of Rate Setting and Reform. 

This notice is sent pursuant to Title 22, MRSA §3173-J.


Providers of Sections 14, 30, 31, 45, 90, & 103, Certain Medicare Covered Family Planning Services and Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARCs) – Present Draft Rates  

Date/Time: Monday, September 30, 2024,11:00AM – 12:30PM 


Meeting ID: 875 4042 7583

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