Final CY 2023 MaineCare Rate Determination Schedule released
The Department has released the Final MaineCare Rate Determination Schedule for Calendar Year (CY) 2023, as well as a letter from MaineCare Director Michelle Probert providing detail on the Department decisions on key priorities for the CY 2023 schedule.
Over the last several months, the Department has worked to provide a clear and transparent process in developing this schedule. Pursuant to P.L. 639, the process consisted of consultation with the Technical Advisory Panel (the TAP), public presentation, as well as public and written comment from interested stakeholders. The MaineCare Rate Determination Schedule will be reviewed and revised annually, as required by law, via this process. You can stay up-to-date on this work, as well as other rate determination work, through our new Rate System Reform webpage.
Please contact Amanda Lee, MaineCare’s Rate Setting Coordinator, with any questions on this process.