Health PAS Online Portal – New: Member Renewal Date Now Available, CR 119276

MaineCare has updated the Health PAS Online Portal to include the member’s renewal date, when available, so that providers can more accurately assess the status of a member’s eligibility. This information is available when you log into your Trading Partner Account and go to the Verify Member Eligibility page. This addition will give providers the ability to see a member’s renewal date so they can advise members that their renewal date is upcoming and to encourage members to make sure their contact information is up to date with the Office for Family Independence (OFI) and to submit any renewal forms OFI asks them to submit. 

Please note the following about the eligibility renewal date field: The field will show a renewal date for all members who are scheduled for renewal, including those associated with Unwinding during the August to October timeframe. These are members to whom the Department reached out previously during the Unwinding process but did not hear back. The Department is providing another opportunity for these members to renew now that it has updated its passive renewal, or “ex parte” system, to make renewal easier for some of these members. For more information about the members OFI is working to renew during this extended Unwinding time frame, please visit

Image with renewal date.

The renewal date field will be blank if:

  • The Department is still processing a member’s submitted renewal. 
  • The renewal date is more than one year in the future.
  • The member is still enrolled as of the current date, but the Department has not renewed the member’s eligibility.
  • The Department is still processing a member’s submitted renewal. 

Image with no renewal date.

For questions or concerns, please call Gainwell Provider Services at 1-866-690-5585.

If MaineCare Members have any questions regarding their renewal or eligibility, they may call OFI at 1-855-797-4357, visit, or visit their local DHHS office.

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