Pharmacy Copayments Return with the End of the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act on September 30, 2024
In accordance with federal requirements set forth in ARP, MaineCare covers COVID-19 testing, treatment, vaccine, and vaccine administration without cost sharing, for all MaineCare members through September 30, 2024. To comply with this requirement, MaineCare waived copayments for Section 80: Pharmacy Services.
Effective October 1, 2024:
- MaineCare reinstates copayments for Section 80: Pharmacy Services.
- MaineCare no longer covers over the counter COVID-19 tests.
- The federal government is supplying four free COVID-19 test kits by visiting this website: COVID-19 Testing (
- The COVID-19 vaccine administration fee through the pharmacy benefit returns to $5.00.
For questions, please reach out to Provider Relations Specialist Shannon Beggs.