Section 45, Hospital Services Rate Reform Comment Summary with Department Response

In June of 2023, the Office of MaineCare Services initiated a rate determination for Section 45, Hospital Services with the goal of incentivizing quality care and cost effectiveness and updating an outdated reimbursement methodology. The Department with its vendor Burns & Associates (HMA-Burns) hosted three virtual public forums between December of 2023 and June 11, 2024, to present the draft rates and methodologies to interested parties and allow for public comment. You can find all previous presentation materials and supporting information on the MaineCare Rate System Reform webpage.  

After the final forum on June 11, 2024, interested parties were able to submit written comments through June 25, 2024. A summary of all comments is available on the MaineCare Rate System Reform webpage. The comment summary includes the Department’s responses, with an explanation of whether and how feedback was incorporated into the final draft rates. MaineCare reviewed and took into consideration all public input received, and we thank all those who contributed. 

For questions on this process, please contact Jessica Levesque, MaineCare’s Rate Reform Project Manager.    

This notice is sent pursuant to Title 22 MRSA §3173-J.   

Have a suggestion for the next Annual Rate Determination Schedule? Suggestions can be submitted to The Annual Rate Determination Schedule Process occurs each fall, between October and December. Learn more about this process on the Rate System Reform website.  

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