DHHS → SIM → Subcommittees → Data Infrastructure Subcommittee
Data Infrastructure Subcommittee (2013-2016)
Data Infrastructure Subcommittee Charge: The SIM Data Infrastructure Subcommittee (DIS) is a multi-stakeholder public/private group of health information technology (IT) leadership and professionals.
The DIS provides recommendations for the identified needs of the Delivery System Reform and Payment Reform Subcommittee, as well as any SIM partner, related to IT infrastructure and capabilities necessary to operationalize the State Innovation Model objectives.
Results and recommendations will consider both short and long term sustainability of the SIM goals and final recommendations reached in consensus between the subcommittees involved will be reported to the SIM Steering Committee.
Lead Organization: HealthInfoNet
Interested Parties Contact List for Payment Reform: Katie Sendze, HealthInfoNet, Chair
Data Infrastructure Subcommittee members: Roster
- Q & As are now available from HealthInfoNet's Behavioral Health RFP - download the document, or visit HealthInfoNet's website for more information.