John Cote

A Message from State Police Colonel John Cote

MSPThe State Police are hard at work, balancing our efforts to help State Government with the management of this crisis with our core responsibility and focus of providing police services to the citizens of Maine. We want the public to understand that in these unique and unprecedented times we are committed to providing front line response and investigative services, but must also take steps to ensure the safety of our Troopers. In order to accomplish both of these goals we are following guidelines and principles from the CDC and Maine EMS regarding physical distancing. This means that a Trooper may be responding over the phone, or asking you to come outside when possible. We are working to maintain a reasonable level of our licensing and other services. Please note that many of these services are available online.  Please be patient as we all respond and react to this public health emergency.

Please remember to do your part to keep us all safe by following published guidelines from federal and state officials, including avoiding large gatherings, practicing good personal hygiene and social distancing. Lastly, please take care of your friends and neighbors, particularly our elderly citizens and those in vulnerable groups. As Mainers we are resilient and I am confident that together we can get through this. 

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