EMS ConnectME Agencies Information

Click the (+) next to each line to open additional resources.

Steps for starting EMS ConnectME at your agency +

    • EMS ConnectME is designed to be as easy as possible to implement. Follow the steps below to get started!
    • 1. Identify your internal partners, including agency leaders, town administrators, and local schools.
    • 2. Complete the EMS ConnectME Action Plan form.
    •      a. Once you submit this form, it will be reviewed by the EMS ConnectME Program Coordinator, who will reach out to you to provide more support.
    • 3. Complete EMS ConnectME Service and Mentor training with all agency members.
    • 4. Recruit Learners by advertising your program with your school partners.
    • 5. Plan your first activity!


Rules and resources for having EMS ConnectME at your agency +




Click below to learn more about EMS ConnectME’s impact in Maine communities.

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