1. Presentation to Bradford A. Pattershall, aka William Pattershall, aka Brad Patterson
The Commissioners presented Mr. Pattershall, who resigned on January 31, 2020, with a plaque to commemorate his service on the Commission.
2. Ratification of Minutes of December 18, 2019 Meeting
Motion: To adopt the December 18, 2019 Minutes.
Made by: Mr. Nass
Seconded by: Ms. Lowry
Vote: 3-0
3. Request to Investigate Stop the Corridor
Stop the Corridor is one of the associations opposing the New England Clean Energy Connect (NECEC) transmission project. Clean Energy Matters (supporting the NECEC) requests the Commission investigate whether Stop the Corridor was required to register with the Commission and file campaign finance reports as a political action committee (PAC).
- Additional Material (from Clean Energy Matters, posted 03/09/2020)
Motion: That the staff conduct an investigation to determine whether or not Stop the Corridor qualified as a PAC and had an obligation to register and report as
a PAC because sufficient evidence has been presented to suggest that the major purpose of Stop the Corridor became to initiate or influence a campaign.
Made by: Mr. Lee
Seconded by: Mr. Nass
Vote: 2-1 (Ms. Lowry opposed)
4. Request to Investigate Say No to NECEC
Say No to NECEC is a nonprofit corporation formed to oppose the NECEC. Clean Energy Matters requests the Commission investigate whether Say No to NECEC was required to register as a PAC.
Motion: That there is not sufficient evidence to proceed with an investigation into this matter.
Made by: Mr. Nass
Seconded by: Ms. Lowry
Vote: 3-0
5. Mainers for Local Power PAC: Penalties for Providing Late Notice to Major Contributors
Mainers for Local Power PAC (opposing the NECEC) was late in providing written notices to two contributors that they qualified as “major contributors” and were required to file reports with the Commission. The preliminary penalties for providing the late written notices total $53,431. Mainers for Local Power requests a waiver of the penalties because the PAC was unaware of the new disclosure requirement and did not see a reference to it in the Commission’s guidance materials.
Motion: To adopt the staff recommendation to impose a penalty of $2,500.
Made by: Mr. Nass
Seconded by: Mr. Lee
Vote: 3-0
6. Study Report of Maine Clean Election Act
Candidate Registrar Emma Burke will discuss a study report on the Maine Clean Election Act she completed at the end of 2019.
No action required.
Other Business: None
Executive Session: None