Maine Climate Council - Industrial Emissions Strategies

Date: , -

Meeting Type: Virtual Only

Meeting Agenda:

Both the Buildings, Infrastructure & Housing and the Energy Working Groups have discussed opportunities to reduce industrial emissions in Maine. This meeting will convene members of those working groups and other industrial stakeholders to discuss updates to Maine’s climate action plan related to industrial emissions.   

  • 11:00 AM Sign on to Zoom

  • 11:05 AM Welcome and purpose of meeting
  • 11:10 AM Recent progress on industrial emissions

    • Review of industrial sector emission inventory
    • Recap industrial emissions task force
  • 11:20 AM Review of emerging policy recommendations related to industrial emissions

    • Examples of industrial efficiency projects
    • Federal funding opportunities
    • Discussion

  • 11:50 AM Public Comment

  • 12:00 PM Adjourn


To request interpretation services (American Sign Language) or spoken language interpretation services (Somali, Arabic, French, Spanish, Chinese-Mandarin, Khmer, Russian, Vietnamese, Portuguese) for this meeting, or to request other accommodations, please email

Contact name: Molly Siegel

Contact email:

Meeting Materials: 20240523_CC_GHG_Industrial_presentation.pdf (441.37 KB) Industrial fed funding.pdf (306.4 KB)

Virtual Meeting Link: Click here to register