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Mission, Vision, Goals
Adopted February 2, 2005
The mission of the Maine Library of Geographic Information (GeoLibrary) is to create an electronic gateway for the management of GIS and related technologies in order to provide efficient, effective and coordinated services for access to the public geographic information of state and local agencies, and to expand and promote the value of geospatial data through widespread distribution and innovative use for the benefit and welfare of all Maine's citizens.
The Maine Library of Geographic Information is a state-of-the-art, comprehensive, and ever expanding portal to public geospatial information and services. The vision for the GeoLibrary encompasses:
- Stewardship of priority, statewide digital geospatial data and associated technology through the GeoLibrary Portal.
- Facilitating the modernization and GIS development of local government land records, and promoting innovative uses of public information that fosters economic development
- Multiagency data-sharing cooperation that results in significant savings in the cost of creating and maintaining geodata.
- Budgeting and revenue development that prioritizes the strategic importance of geospatial information.
- An education and outreach program that educates state and local government officials and representatives on the benefits of GIS.
Goals and/or Strategic Initiatives
(1) Database Development
(2) Portal Development
(3) Land Records Modernization
(4) Data Sharing and Distribution
(5) Education / Outreach