Governor Mills: Join me in getting a flu shot this fall. Stay healthy, stay safe.

Cold weather heralds more than just autumn in Maine and the turning of leaves and beautiful scenery across our state. As we approach the flu season and cold season during this unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, it’s going to be more important than ever to take steps that are backed by science to protect our health, the health of our families, our communities and our loved ones. 

Things like getting your annual flu shot. 

This is Governor Janet Mills and thank you for listening today.

The Maine CDC recommends that all people six months and older get a yearly flu vaccine before the end of October, when flu activity really increases.

While getting a flu shot helps reduce your risk of getting the flu and spreading it to others, this year it will also lessen the burden on Maine’s health care system during this pandemic, by reducing the number of people who are sick and seek medical care. It is also possible to have the flu and COVID-19 at the same time. Experts are studying this, but you know having the flu could reduce your body’s ability to respond to a COVID-19 infection if you are exposed.  

While we don’t know when a safe vaccine for COVID-19 may be widely available for Maine people and others, getting a flu vaccine today is one way to keep yourself, your loved ones and our state healthy this fall. 

It takes about two weeks after getting vaccinated for that flu shot to take full effect, but the flu is here now. So get a shot today. To find a flu clinic, search your zip code on or or search the listings on

Join me in getting a flu shot this fall. Stay healthy, stay safe.

This is Governor Janet Mills and thank you for listening.